Backup the source database and restore it on the destination database using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
If the web interface JavaScript files have been modified in the source environment, perform the following steps on the destination server:
Note This step is only required if JavaScript files have been modified, which is unlikely in a typical implementation. If you are skipping this step, proceed directly to Step 2.
Copy the Aptify sub-folder from the source Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) environment to the destination IIS environment.
Note The Aptify sub-folder is the location where the Aptify website files are stored on the web server. This location is specified in the Website Location field during the installation process. The default installation path for the Aptify sub-folder is c:\inetpub\wwwroot.
For the examples in the steps below, the name of the Aptify sub-folder is AptifyWeb533.
In the <Aptify Sub-folder>\AptifyServicesAPI folder, open the web.config file for editing.
- Update the URL to match the destination environment's URL at the four locations shown in the example.
- Save and close the web.config file.
- In the <Aptify Sub-folder>\Aptify\script\Aptify\configuration folder, open the Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file for editing.
- Update the URL to match the destination environment's URL at the three locations shown in the example.
- Save and close the Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file.
- In the <Aptify Sub-folder>\Aptify folder, open the web.config file for editing.
- Update the database name to match the destination environment's database name at the location in the example.
- Save and close the web.config file.
- In the <Aptify Sub-folder>\Aptify\ErrorContent folder, open the Error.txt file for editing.
- Update the URL to match the destination environment at the location in the example.
- Save and close the Error.txt file.