This document topic describes the additional steps needed to get Aptify Web operational after a 5.5.3 database is restored from Server A to Server B. A typical use case is when implementation team restores the Conversion instance to the TEST/UAT instance multiple times throughout the project life-cycle.
title | Info |
procedure to synchronize the settings from a source Aptify web server to a destination Aptify web server. This synchronization process can be used when a the Aptify web site from one server to another.
Note |
This procedure assumes the following for the source and destination environments:
Backup the source database and restore it on the destination database using SSMSthe Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Copy the AptifyWeb553
folder from If the web interface JavaScript files have been modified in the source IIS environment to the destination IIS environment.
Warning Please note that usually this step won't be needed. Ittitle Only perform this step if absolutely needed. environment, perform the following steps on the destination server:
Note This step is only required if JavaScript files have changed or edited been modified, which is unlikely in a typical implementation. If you are skipping this step, please proceed directly to Step 72.
Open/edit AptifyWeb553 folder > AptifyServicesAPI > web.config.Info icon false The rest of the instructions will be focused on the destination environment and the settings that needs to be changed to get Aptify Web operational.
Copy the Aptify sub-folder from the source Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) environment to the destination IIS environment.
Note The Aptify sub-folder is the location where the Aptify website files are stored on the web server. This location is specified in the Website Location field during the installation process. The default installation path for the Aptify sub-folder is c:\inetpub\wwwroot.
For the examples in the steps below, the name of the Aptify sub-folder is AptifyWeb533.
In the <Aptify Sub-folder>\AptifyServicesAPI folder, open the web.config file for editing.
- Update the URL to match the
- destination environment
Open/edit AptifyWeb553 folder > Aptify > script > Aptify > configuration >- 's URL at the four locations shown in the example.
- Save and close the web.config file.
- In the <Aptify Sub-folder>\Aptify\script\Aptify\configuration folder, open the Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file for editing.
- Update the URL to match the
- destination environment
Open/edit AptifyWeb553 folder > Aptify > web.config.- 's URL at the three locations shown in the example.
- Save and close the Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file.
- In the <Aptify Sub-folder>\Aptify folder, open the web.config file for editing.
- Update the database name to match the
- destination environment
Open/edit AptifyWeb553 folder > Aptify > ErrorContent > Error.txt. Update- 's database name at the location in the example.
- Save and close the web.config file.
- In the <Aptify Sub-folder>\Aptify\ErrorContent folder, open the Error.txt file for editing.
- Update the URL to match the
- destination environment at the location in the example.
- Save and close the Error.txt file.
Restore or import the Aptify Licenses as needed for the destination database/environment.Anchor _step7 _step7 - Go to Users Administration and add back the ebizuser and aptifyuser and make sure that they are active and reapply all settings by finishing the User Administration wizard.
- Open Aptify > Web Services > Authentication Providers. Create an All View and Edit #2 Domain User and #6 Domain User (with container) to reflect the new server.
See Licensing Aptify Products for more information. Ensure that the ebizuser and aptifyuser accounts are in the destination system. If they are not available, use the User Administration wizard to add the ebizuser and aptifyuser accounts. See Creating User Accounts for details.
Note Ensure that these users are active.
- Open the Authentication Providers service, found under the Web Services application.
- Create an All Authentication Providers View in the service.
- Open this view, find the Domain User (ID 2) and Domain User (with container) (ID 6) records, and open these records
- Update these records to reflect the destination server..