Retrieve a Localized String By Culture String Name
Aptify.framework.utility.cache.getCultureLocalString is the method that is used to return the localized string based on the Culture String Name and Base String. This method accepts an object. The Name of the Culture String is populated in the stringName property and the Base String is populated in the baseString property. The Culture is defined by the currently logged in User's CultureId. If Culture ID is passed into the method, it will be ignored. If the User doesn't have a defined Culture, the system's Built-in Culture is used.
Retrieve a Localized String By Base String
The benefit of having a Built-in Culture is that it significantly reduces overhead related to localization. When a User's Culture is the Built-in Culture, the Base String can be returned immediately. There is no need to download the Local Strings and there is no need to perform the local string lookup. Most Aptify Users belong to the Built-in culture so it makes sense to optimize for the Built-in Culture,
The Built-in Culture ID value is stored at Aptify.framework.configuration.builtInCultureId. This property is defined at an internal Framework Configuration attribute. This is stored in the minified javascript. In the non-minified source code it is stored in Aptify.Framework.Configuration.Internal.js.