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The Type field links the Product record to a specific product type. This product type defines whether the product is of an extended type, and may result in an additional tab appearing on the Products record. The list includes all active Product Types set up within the system. Note that you cannot change a product's type after the Products record has been saved for the first time.



Aptify is delivered with the General, Expo, Meeting, Publication, and Housing product types pre-defined. Selection of Expo, Meeting, Publication, or Housing results in the addition of a tab on the Products record. These types are described in Aptify's documentation (see General Product Setup for more information). Any tabs that result from product types configured for an organization's specific business rules may not included in this documentation.


This field is for meetings and other products where all revenue from sales is recognized on a specific date in the future (such as the date of the meeting/event) and not on the date the order is shipped.



This field is not intended to be used with the Deferred Income field; use one or the other


The GL Accounts tab lists the GL accounts associated with the product. Initially the tab populates with the GL accounts listed on the product's Product Categories record. GL accounts are used at the product level for accounting purposes. If a product category's GL accounts are modified, the product's GL accounts must be updated manually if necessary to avoid unintentional changes to GL accounts at the product level.See About the GL Accounts Form for Products for  for more information.

Assembly Tab


  • Standard Product: This option corresponds to a standard product that is not a kit or group of other products. The Kit Type is set to Standard Product when Use Assembly Inventory is not selected.
  • Kit Product: When selected, the system identifies the product as a kit of the products specified in the assembly sub-product list.
  • Product Grouping: When selected, the system identifies the product as a grouping of the products specified in the assembly sub-product list.


The Attributes sub-tab displays a list of Attribute records, and whether they are presently active or not. Product attributes are not commonly used. This is a generic feature that allows product-specific logic to be implemented by an organization. See About the Attributes Form for Products.

General Sub-Tab


The Topic field is a legacy field and currently has no functionality.


This field is used in conjunction with the Chapter Management add-on application for EBusiness e-Business to specify the logic to use when automatically assigning a person to a chapter (when that person orders a Chapter membership product).


The Related Products sub-tab displays the Related Products records that are offered to customers as accessory or substitute products when the product in this Products record is ordered.

The information about a product listed on this tab is displayed in a prompt dialogue box on the order entry screen at the time of placing an order, for the service representative to read to the customer. See About the Related Products Form for more information.


This tab displays the hierarchy browser of products and product categories related to the current product. See About the Hierarchy Browser for Reviewing Product Category Relationships for details.

Housing Tab

The Housing tab displays for products whose type is Housing. For more information about Housing Management, see Using Housing Management.


The Quantity On Hand field displays the total number of units on hand in the inventory warehouses. Units are included in this figure whether or not they have been reserved for sale.

Quantity On Hand


Quantity Reserved


Quantity Available


Quantity Reserved (read-only)

The Quantity Reserved field displays the total number of units sold but not shipped to the customer. These units are typically still physically in the organization's warehouse, but have been sold to a customer through an order. Quantity reserved is controlled by the Order Status field on the Orders record, which indicates if an order has been Taken, Shipped, Cancelled or Back Ordered. Quantity reserved includes the quantities for Order records with an order status of Taken or Back Ordered.

Quantity Reserved = Units Ordered - Returned Units + Exchange Units

Units Ordered = number of units where order status is Taken or Back Ordered
Returned Units = number of negative quantity units in cancellation orders linked to orders that calculate Units Ordered
Exchange Units = number of positive quantity units in cancellation orders where order status is Taken or Back Order


Quantity Shipped is the total number of units of a product that have been shipped to customers, life-to-date. This is a statistic Aptify provides to determine overall product volume.

Quantity Shipped = Units Shipped - Returned Units + Exchange Units

Units Shipped = number of units where order status is Shipped
Returned Units = number of negative quantity units returned in cancellation orders linked to orders that calculate Units Shipped
Exchange Units = number of positive quantity units in cancellation orders where order status is Shipped


The QuantityOnOrder field displays the total number of product units presently on order. This total comes from the Inventory On Order records listed on the On Order sub-tab on the Inventory tab.


When selected, this field indicates that the product should be included when calculating an order's shipping charges and costs. See the "Shipping and Product Configuration" section of the Shipping Charges chapter of the Aptify 5.5 Accounting and Financial Systems Integration Guide for more information.


The Drop Ship option indicates that the product is sent to the customer directly from an outside manufacturer. Aptify does not track inventory for this product if the Drop Ship option is selected. Note that you cannot select Drop Ship and Require Inventory for the same product.



To ensure that inventory records are not associated with products that do not track inventory, the Drop Ship attribute can only be set upon initial creation of the Product record.


The Meetings tab displays for products whose type is Meeting. For more information about Meeting Management, see Using Meeting and Housing Management.

Prices Tab

The Prices tab displays the different Prices records associated with the product. The ability to override prices is controlled at the product level if it is not controlled at either the organization level or employee level. See Assigning Product Prices for information on product pricing.


This field identifies the Pricing Rule that is used to determine a product's prices. This field links to the Pricing Rule service (see Establishing Pricing Rules and About the Pricing Rules Form for  for details). When specified on a product's Prices > Advanced tab, this rule take precedence over any prices configured in the Pricing Matrix.


  • Generated: Aptify automatically generates a Web page for this product based on the standard page for its product type. This corresponds to the functionality available in Aptify e-Business 3.5 and earlier.
  • Template: Aptify generates a Web page for this product using the Web page specified in the Web Template field. See About the Product Web Templates Form for details. If you select this option, specify the Web Template in the field provided.
  • Custom: Aptify uses a product specific Web page designed specifically for this product; it does not automatically generate a Web page. If you select this option, specify the URL of that Web Page in the field provided.


A short description of the product for display on the web page, if the product is web enabled.

Products Web Tab

Long Description Sub-Tab

A more lengthy description of the product for display on the web, if the product is web enabled. 


 In general, for this product information to display on the website, its product category must also be web enabled. (Note that this requirement may not be applicable depending on how your organization has designed the e-Business website.)
