Versions Compared


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Accepting multiple currencies can introduce many other complexities that need to be well thought out according to each organization's business processes. Please review the Foreign Currency Transactions Foreign Currency Transactions and Transactions and Foreign Currency Concepts Foreign Currency Concepts chapters in the Aptify 5.5 Accounting and Financial Systems Integration Guide for information on foreign currency transactions in Aptify and contact Aptify to discuss your foreign currency requirements, if appropriate. 


If the price is to be derived from another price record, enter 0 in the Price field and enter the currency type that it is derived from (a price record with the same criteria) in the Derived From Currency field. This currency type must be listed in a corresponding Prices record that has a valid price.
See  See Creating a Derived Currency Price for details.

Filter Rule Tab

You can create one or more filter rules if a particular price only applies to an order line under certain conditions (beyond the standard criteria specified on the Price's General tab).
For example, this price may only be available to companies located within a certain set of U.S. states, such as an East Coast price. Then, a second corresponding Prices record could exist to specify a price for West Coast states.

Creating a filter rule is very similar to creating a filter for a view. See Creating Product Filter Rules for details.

General Tab

Name (Required)


When selected, the price includes any applicable sales tax amount. See the Sales Tax chapter of the Aptify 5.5 Accounting and Financial Systems Integration Guide for information on this option.


If you set type to Percent of Base, specify a percentage of the base price in this field. The system will calculate this price for you automatically. See Creating a Percent of Base Price for details.

Start Date

A beginning date to specify when this price is valid. This can be useful for setting up special date-specific prices such as early registration, discounts, or late registration premiums.


This field identifies the Pricing Rule that is used. This record allows for more parameters to be defined or considered when determining the price of a product for the consumer. This field links to the Pricing Rule service. When specified on a Prices record, this rule only applies to that specific record within the context of a larger Pricing Matrix.


A brief description of the price is entered in the Description field.


The Rounding settings only apply if the a price is calculated as a percentage of a base price. See Creating a Percent of Base Price.

Rounding Type (Required)
