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Each form in Aptify is made up of many parts. These parts include fields on the form as well as tabs. Each part must be defined before it may be added to a form template.

Form Template Parts Form

Top Area

Name (Required)

The name of the part.


A description of the Form Template Part.

Category (Required)

The category for this part. This field links to the Form Template Part Categories service.

Base Part

If this part is based on an existing part, the base part is linked here. A form template part may be based on another part to allow the user to create a duplicate with a different display name or display characteristics.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Form Template Parts record. The tab becomes available when the record is first saved.

Comments Tab


Optional comments concerning this form template part.

General Tab

Display Name (Required)

The name which displays when the Form Part appears on the form.


The Culture Strings record to display for this Form Template Part. When specified, this takes the place of the Display Name. See Using Localization for Administration for details.

Type (Required)

The type of part defined. By default, Component is selected. Available types are:


This field is applicable only if the Type field is set to Component, and links to the Forms Components service.

Sub Template

This field is applicable only when Type is set to either Tab Control or Sub-Template. This links to the Forms Templates service.

Tabs per Row

This field is applicable only if Type is set to Tab Control. The default value is 6. The value of this field defines the number of tabs which may appear in each row of tabs on the form defined by the template.

Run Mode (Required)

Run mode indicates how the component is enabled for the form template part. By default, All is selected. The options available are:


Specifies whether or not the Form Template Part is enabled on the form. This option is selected by default and the Form Template Part is enabled. When this option is cleared, the form template part appears on the form but it is grayed out and disabled for all run modes.

Placement Tab

This tab is only applicable when Location is set to Specific and applies to fields that appear on a form. All of the placement values are defined in pixels.

Placement Tab

Width (Required)

The width of the field, specified in pixels. The default value is 0.

Height (Required)

The height of the field, specified in pixels. The default value is 0.

Left Pos (Required)

The number of pixels the part is positioned from the left of the form. The default value is 0.

Top Pos (Required)

The number of pixels the part is positioned from the top of the form. The default value is 0.

Resize Width (Required)

Resize width determines the mode for resizing the width of the field when the form is resized. It supports the following values:


Note that field parts created by the Baseline Form Template Generator use Fill for the Resize Width.

Resize Height (required)

Resize height determines the mode for resizing the height of the field when the form is resized. It supports the following values:


The name of the input property.

Default Value (read-only)

The property's default value, if applicable. This is set at the Input Properties record and cannot be changed in the Input Map.

Required (read-only)

This field indicates whether the input property for the component requires source type and source information.

Source Type

Source Type indicates the method to obtain data to fulfill the input property. The value selected in Source Type drives how the Source field is populated.


This field holds the actual source of the data for the Input Map, and is dependent on the value chosen in the Source Type field.


The comments field contains any additional details relevant to the Form Templates Parts record.

Tab Control Input Map Tab


When selected, Aptify's default tab styling is used and the others fields on the Input Map tab become disabled. When cleared, the tab styling settings defined on the Input Map tab are used. Note that when you select this option, the default values are populated in the corresponding field and any customized settings are lost.

Custom Settings

The section below defines the appearance of the tab control, tab color, and the style of the display area under each tab..

View Style

The View Style determines the appearance of the entire tab control. The available view styles are Office 2003, Default, VisualStudio2005, Standard and Office2007.


The Style field determines the appearance of each tab on the control. The available styles are Default, PropertyPage, PropertyPageSelected, PropertyPageFlat, PropertyPage2003, StateButtons:, Flat, VisualStudio, Excel, VisualStudio2005, and Office2007Ribbon.

Tab Color

The Tab Color field defines the main background color that is applied to enabled tabs on the form. The default value for this field is Gainsboro.

If the color defined in the Tab Color field is the same as the color specified in the Tab Color2 field, the background color of each selected tab will appear solid. Using different values for these fields creates a gradient effect with the Tab Color field's value as the top most color.

Tab Color2

The Tab Color2 field defines the secondary background color that is applied to enabled tabs on the form. The default value for the this field is White.

Display Area Tab Color

The Display Area Tab Color field defines the main background color that is applied to the form area that displays under a selected tab. The default value for the this field is Gainsboro.

If the color defined in the Display Area Tab Color field is the same as the color specified in the Display Area Tab Color2 field, the background of the selected tab's display area will appear solid. Using different values for these fields creates a gradient affect with the Display Area Tab Color as the top most color.

Display Area Tab Color2

The Display Area Tab Color2 field defines the secondary color that is applied to the form area that displays under a selected tab. The default value for this field is White.

Disabled Tab Color

The Disabled Tab Color field defines the main background color for the tabs that are disabled on the form. The default value for this field is Gray.

If the color defined in the Disabled Tab Color field is the same as the color specified in the Tab Disabled Color2 field, the background color of each disabled tab will appear solid. Using different values for these fields creates a gradient affect with the Disabled Tab Color field's value as the top most color.

Disabled Tab Color2

The Disabled Tab Color2 field defines the secondary background color for the tabs that are disabled on the form. The default value for this field is White.

Border Color

The Border Color field defines the main border color of each tab on the form. The default value is Gainsboro.

If the color defined in the Border Color field is the same as the color specified in the Border Color2 field, the border color of each selected tab will appear solid. Using different values for these fields creates a gradient effect with the Border Color field's value as the top most color.

Border Color2

The Border Color2 field defines the secondary border color of each tab on form. The default value is White.

Global Settings

The settings in this section define the font settings for non-selected tabs.


This field defines the font for the caption on thenon-selected (and enabled) tabs. The default value is Tahoma.

Font Color

This field defines the font color for the caption on non-selected (and enabled) tabs. The default value is Black.

Disabled Font Color

This field defines the font color for the caption on disabled non-selected (and enabled) tabs. The default value is Gray.


When selected, the caption on both enabled and disabled non-selected (and enabled) tabs are bold.


When selected, the caption on both enabled and disabled non-selected (and enabled) tabs are italicized.


When selected, the caption on both enabled and disabled non-selected (and enabled) tabs are underlined.

Selected Tab Settings

The settings in this section define the font settings for tab that is selected.


This field defines the font for the caption on selected tabs. The default value is Tahoma.

Font Color

This field defines the font color for the caption on the selected tabs. The default value is Black.


This field defines the highlighting settings for the selected tabs. The available options are: Default Highlight (Aptify's default settings are used), No Highlight, and Color Override. When set to Color Override the Color and Color 2 drop-down options become available to set the desired first and secondary colors for the selected tab. The default value is Default Highlight.


The Selected tab Color field defines the main background color for the selected tab on the form. The default value is Silver.

If the color defined in the Selected Tab Color field is the same as the color specified in the Selected Tab Color2 field, the background color of each selected tab will appear solid. Using different values for these fields creates a gradient affect with the Selected Tab Color field's value as the top most color.


The Selected Tab Color2 field defines the secondary background color for the selected tab on the form. The default value is White.


When selected, the caption on the selected tab is bold. This option is selected by default


When selected, the caption on the selected tab is italicized.


When selected, the caption on the selected tab is underlined.