- Set server Region & language setting to required culture.
- Set the Server SQL to the desired default language.
- For example, in an Australian environment, you would Open SQL server by right-clicking on SQL server and select Advance > Default Language > Select British English
SOA Pool User Default Language can be English or British English.
- For example, in an Australian environment, you would Open SQL server by right-clicking on SQL server and select Advance > Default Language > Select British English
- Download or create different Kendo cultural files for the desired culture in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Aptify\script folder.
- You can find cultural files at the following URLs:
- For example, the kendo.culture.en-AU.min.js file is used for an Australian environment
- Open the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Aptify\script\Aptify\framework\ Aptify.Framework.Bootloader.js file for editing.
Search for the getThirdPartyResourcelist() function and add the name of the Kendo culture file to the list of files for the results variable.
Code Block language sql title For example function getThirdPartyResourcelist() { var results; results = [ //"/log4javascript/log4javascript.js", "/jquery-1.10.2.min.js", "/kendo.all.min.js", "/jquery.Jcrop.min.js", "/knockout-2.2.1.js", "/adapter.js", "/jquery.signalR-2.0.2.min.js", "/Ace/src-min-noconflict/ace.js", "/Ace/src-min-noconflict/ext-language_tools.js", "/dom.jsPlumb-", "/jszip.js", "/kendo.culture.en-AU.min.js" ]; return Aptify.framework.bootloader.getAbsolutePathForAptifyThirdParty(results); }
- Save and close the Aptify.Framework.Bootloader.js file.
- Open the Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file for edting.
Add following values based on the required culture:
No Format nopanel true Aptify.framework.configuration.cultureName = "<culture>"; Aptify.framework.configuration.calendarDateHeaderFormat = "<date format>";
- The following values would be used for an Australian environment:
No Format nopanel true Aptify.framework.configuration.cultureName = "en-AU"; Aptify.framework.configuration.calendarDateHeaderFormat = "ddd dd/MM";
- The following values would be used for an Australian environment:
- Save and close the Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file
- Open the Aptify.Framework-5.5.5.min.js file for editing.
- Find the shortDateFormat and longDateFormat settings and update the date and time format to the format required for the desired culture.
The following values would be used for an Australian environment:
No Format Aptify.framework.configuration.shortDateFormat = "d/MM/yyyy"; Aptify.framework.configuration.longDateFormat = "d/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt";
- Save and close the Aptify.Framework-5.5.5.min.js file
- In the Aptify Desktop client, open the Cultures record for the desired culture.
- Click the Culture Formats tab and update the DateFormat and DateTimeFormat settings to align with the shortDateFormat and longDateFormat values used in the previous step.
- Ensure that the Aptify user accounts are configured to use the desired culture.