Campaigns records contain information about individual marketing campaigns. They indicate which products are part of the campaign and any special discounts offered. If a campaign is indicated during the order entry process, any special prices or discounts for products listed in the campaign are offered to the customer. Campaigns can be linked to tasks, and may include a list of prospect persons and companies.
Campaigns Form
Top Panel
Name (required)
The name of the campaign.
Costs Tab
This tab displays information about the expected costs associated with this campaign. See "Campaign Costs Form" on page 58.
Discounts Tab
This tab lists the discounts applied to products or product categories for this campaign.
GL Accounts Tab
This tab lists the GL Accounts displays all GL Account records associated with this campaign. See "GL Accounts Form (Campaigns)" on page 85.
Objective Tab
This tab displays the objective of the campaign.
Prospect List Tab
Lists all prospects stored as Campaign List Detail records for the campaign. See "Campaign List Detail Form" on page 72.
Segments Tab
The Segments tab lists all Campaign Segments defined for this campaign.
Tasks Tab
The Tasks tab lists all Tasks associated with this campaign.This tab has two sub-tabs: List and Calendar. List displays a hierarchical list view of all tasks linked to the current campaign. For each task on the list, you can expand the view hierarchy to display any sub-tasks for that task.
The Calendar sub-tab displays the tasks on a month view calendar based on the task's Date Assigned and Due Date.