- Account Manager Specified on a Companies Record's Account Manager Tab: If the old account manager has an Account Managers record associated with a selected company, then that manager's End Date field is populated with today's date and a new record is added for the new account manager with today's date as the Start Date.
- Note that the Account Managers information is found on the Companies record's Details> Account Managers tab by default.
- For more information on adding account managers to a Company's record see "Specifying Account Managers".
- Persons: If the old account manager is linked to any Persons record associated with a selected company, the Account Manager field links to the new account manager on the Persons record's Contact tab.
- Account Manager Specified on Persons Record's Account Manager Tab: If the old account manager has an Accounts Managers record for any person associated with a selected company, then that manager's End Date field is populated with today's date and a new record is added for the new account manager with today's date as the Start Date.
- An Account Manager tab does not appear on the standard Aptify Persons form by default but you or an administrator can add it if needed. (See the Modifying a Form Layout section of the "Forms and Records" chapter of topic of the Aptify User Guide for information on how to add new tabs to a form.)
- Opportunities: Any open opportunities linked to a selected company for which the old account manager is the primary contact is updated to use the new account manager.
- Contact Logs: Any contacts logs that have been assigned to the old account manager and that are not complete transfer to the new account manager.