Note |
Note to Administrators: The Account Manager Transfer wizard is a metadata wizard in Aptify. The functionality for the Account Manager Transfer wizard is embedded in a process pipeline component. |
Follow these steps to utilize the Account Transfer wizard to automate the process of changing the primary contact for one or more companies:
- Create or open a view of Companies that includes the companies for which you want to modify the primary account manager.
- Do one of the following:
- If you want to run the wizard on all the records in the view, do not select any records in the view and click the Account Manager Transfer Wizard icon in the view toolbar.
- If you want to run the wizard on only selected records, select those records (hold down the CTRL key to select multiple records). Then, click the Account Manager Transfer Wizard icon in the view toolbar.
- If applicable, enter the former account manager who is no longer responsible for maintaining the relationship with the selected companies in the From Account Manager field.
- If this field is left blank, then all selected records within the view that do not have a specified account manager will be transferred to the new account manager. Note that in this case any company that already has an account manager will not be updated.
- When an account manager is specified, only those selected Companies records that currently match that account manager will be updated. For example, if you select two companies, one with a current manager of John Samuel and the other with a current manager of Jane Smith, and then specify John Samuel as the From Account Manager, then only the account manager relationships for the company linked to John Samuel will be updated (the other company will remain linked to Jane Smith).
- This field links to the Employees service.
- Enter the new account manager who will manage the relationship with the selected companies in the To Account Manager field.
- This field cannot be left blank. A valid account manager is required.
- This field links to the Employees service.
- Click Finish to run the wizard.