Versions Compared


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  1. Click the down arrow in the Field column. A list of searchable fields from the active Service displays.
    • Note that not all fields may display in this list, depending on how your system administrator has configured the service.
    • The fields are listed in the order in which they appear in the entity. However, the fields can be sorted alphabetically (ascending or descending) by clicking the desired Field column heading (Display Name, Type or Description) to sort by. One click sorts the specified column in alphabetical ascending order. Clicking the column heading a second time sorts the fields in descending order.

  2. Select a field using one of the two following options:
    • Click the desired search field.
    • Use the down arrow to locate the search field, and press the Enter key.

  3. After selecting a field, the drop-down arrow in the Operator column activates.

Operator Column

The Operator column defines the type of match. The choices of operators change based on the type of field selected.


  1. Click the down arrow in the Operator column. A list of operators for the selected field displays.
  2. Select an operator using one of the two following options:
    • Click the desired operator.
    • Use the down arrow to locate the desired operator, and press the Enter key.

Value Column

In the Value column, you can enter characters, a phrase, or a number that the Find dialog will use as the basis for the record search. The Value field uses the operator selected in the Operator column to determine the type of match. For example, to find all records in the service whose date is greater than January 1, 2005, you would enter 1/1/2005 as the Value.


As soon as one character is entered in the Value column, the next Field column activates. Define additional search statements, as necessary.

Defining Fields

By default, the Results tab displays a list of fields for the matching records as determined by your administrator. However, you can modify which fields appear within the search results to help you identify the record to select.

Click the Fields tab within the Find dialog to display the list of available fields in the current service. The Show column is selected for the fields that will appear in the Results list. To remove a field from the Results tab, clear the field's Show option. To display the field in the Results tab, select a a field's Show option.

After selecting the fields to display, click the Find button to load or update the Results tab.

Note that for find operations initiated from a link box, the field value that will be displayed in the link box must be selected in the Find dialog's Fields list. For example, if populating a Ship To person on an order, the NameWCompany field must be displayed in the Find results in order to successfully load the selected person to the Ship To field (since the field displayed in the link box is the person's NameWCompany).