Versions Compared


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  1. Confirm that the database server has the same version of Aptify as the version you are installing on the web server (i.e., the database server has Aptify 5.5.2, and you are installing the Aptify 5.5.2 on the web server). This is a pre-requisite before you can install the Aptify site.
  2. Identify the web server that will host Aptify. This server must meet the requirements specified in Server Requirements for the Aptify Web Interface.
    • If the web server is installed on a different computer than the database server and you have chosen to use Windows Authentication, confirm that your network is configured to support delegation. See Aptify Site and Network Delegation for details.
    • For web servers that will be available over the public Internet, you should install and test the Aptify site within the firewall first before moving the web server outside your organization's firewall.


      For web servers that will be available on the public Internet, you must secure the site using HTTP over a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to create an HTTPS site. The default installation of the Aptify site requires SSL. The site will not load successfully unless the site is configured to use SSL. See Securing the Aptify Web Site Using SSL for additional information.

  3. Create a new domain account or identify an existing domain with a valid license account to use on the Aptify web server.
    • This is the user account that Aptify (SOA layer) uses to communicate with the Aptify database server.
    • The account must be a trusted user with a valid license on the Aptify database server with the appropriate privileges to conduct Aptify activity.

    • During the setup process, the SOA user is added to the AptifySOAAppPoolGroup. This group is only intended for the SOA user and ensure user tokens are secure.


      Per packaging requirements for this version, the Application Pool Identity used by the Aptify web site is set to LocalSystem and the identity used by the AptifyServiceAPI (SOA layer) site is set to run as the user specified in the setup program.

  4. Log into the web server using an account with administrative privileges.


    Aptify recommends that you log into the web server with a Windows domain user with administrative privileges. There are certain updates related to the authentication model with the Aptify browser-based interface that requires a domain user with access to the database server. If you do choose to install as a local administrative, these updates must be done manually. See Choosing an Authentication Method for more details.


    It is highly recommended that the user account used for the SOA layer is not used to log into the Aptify web server. If the SOA layer user account is used to log into the web server, you may need to reset Microsoft IIS to restore features such as reporting.

  5. If you have an existing Aptify site, perform a backup of the site. See Updating an Existing Aptify Web Site for more details.
  6. Determine whether the web server has the following software installed:
    • Aptify 5.0 Desktop client
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
    • ASP .NET MVC 4
  7. If the Aptify 5.0 Desktop client is not installed on the web server, install it. See Installing the Aptify Desktop Client.
    • The client application provides the active Aptify Object Repository service used during the installation process.
  8. If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is not installed on the web server, download and install it from the following URL:

  9. If ASP.NET MVC 4 is not installed on the web server, download and install it from the following URL:
  10. Download the Aptify installation ZIP file to a folder on the web server and unzip its contents.
    • Run the installation program locally on the web server that will host the Aptify site; do not run it over the network.
  11. Browse to the location of the installation files, right-click the Setup application file, and select the Run As Administrator option to launch the installation program.
    • On Windows Server 2008, the Run as Administrator option bypasses the server's User Access Control (UAC) for the duration of the installation.
  12. Review the set of requirements to install. If your environment does not meet one or more of the specified requirements, click Cancel to abort the installation. Otherwise, click Next to continue.
  13. Click Next to continue.
  14. When prompted, enter login information for the database server, specifying an account with system administrator privileges to both the Aptify database and SQL Server. The user should also be tied to a Developer license to ensure that the setup can perform such tasks as entity creation when needed. 


    Selecting the Is System Administrator option when creating a user in the Aptify database sets the user to a dbowner in SQL Server. It does not add the user to the sysadmin role. You will need to manually add the user to the sysadmin role through SQL Server. If in doubt, check the user's permissions in the Security > Logins area of SQL Management Studio before proceeding with the installation.

  15. Click OK to continue.
  16. Select the Website under which the Aptify site will be hosted.
    • Default Website is selected by default, however you can host the Aptify website under another site. The site must be manually created through the IIS Manager prior to running the Aptify web site setup.
  17. Enter the Application Pool name to be used for the Aptify web site.
    • The default application pool name is Aptify_HTML5
    • Per packaging requirements for this version, the Application Pool Identity used by the Aptify web site is set to LocalSystem.
  18. Enter the Application Pool name to be used for the Aptify SOA site.
    • The default application pool name is Aptify_SOAWeb
  19. Specify the trusted user account that you want to use for the Aptify web site in the SOA Pool User Name field.
  20. Enter the password for this user in the Password field.
  21. Specify the location where the Aptify web site files should be installed on the web server in the Website Location field.
    • The default installation path is c:\inetpub\wwwroot and the Aptify folder is created automatically. 

    • For example, if you want to use the location aptify1 rather than aptify, in the default location, you will need to create a folder called aptify1 under c:\inetpub\wwwroot.

      titleNote Concerning Aptify SOA Site

      The default installation path of the Aptify SOA layer is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ and the web folder is AptifyServicesAPI. The path and location can be modified manually once the Aptify web site is installed.

  22. Select the location in which the Aptify Desktop client is installed in the Object Cache Path field.
    • The default location is C:\Program Files\Aptify 5.0.



  23. Click Next to continue and review your installation options.
  24. Click Finish to begin the installation process.
  25. Click OK when prompted that Aptify has been successfully installed to close the installer.
  26. Restart the IIS service.
    • Although technically not required, restarting the IIS service will ensure that all existing sessions connected to the web server are terminated before the website is used.
    • You can restart the IIS service from either the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager or from the Windows Services dialog.
  27. If you want to support both trusted (Windows users) and untrusted (SQL server) users, you will need to make updates to the web config file Aptify.Framework.Configuration.External.js file to support this. See Configuring Alternate Authentication Methods for more details.
  28. Connect to the Aptify web site to confirm that it loads properly using a supported web browser.
    • By default, this step assumes that you have a user account (trusted or untrusted) with a valid license in Aptify.
    • If connecting to Aptify directly from a web server that is in a nested (hierarchical) domain, you must address it with the fully qualified domain, such as:
    • If connecting from another computer on the network, then enter http://[server name]/aptify in the browser window.