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  1. Locate the Aptify Object Repository Utility.
    • Located in the Utilities > AptifyObjectRepositoryUtility of Aptify 5.5 (and later) distribution packages6.0.
  2. Copy the utility's folder to the database server.
  3. Open a Command Prompt, make sure to right-click and select Run as Administrator to launch the prompt.
    • On Windows Server 2008, the Run as Administrator option bypasses the server's User Access Control (UAC) while running the utility.
  4. In the Command window, run the AptifyObjectRepositryCmdUtility,exe (with full path to the executable) specifying the necessary command line arguments:
    • /Server=[Aptify Database Server]
      Use this argument to specify the Aptify database server. Note that rather than use this command line argument, you can add the Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Server key to the AptifyObjRepSyn­chronizer.exe.config file.
    • /UserID=[Untrusted User Name]
      If connecting as an untrusted user, such as sa, use this argument to specify that user. There is no command line argument to specify a trusted user account. Instead, set the Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Trusted key to true in the AptifyObjRepSynchronizer.exe.config file to use a trusted login.
    • /Password=[password]
      If you specified an untrusted user using the /user argument, specify the password for that untrusted user. Note that the password will appear in plain text. There is no command line argument to specify a trusted user account. Instead, set the Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Trusted key to true in the AptifyObjRepSynchronizer.exe.config file to use a trusted login.
    • /EntityDB=[Database used to store Aptify's Entities Entity]
      Typically, this database is APTIFY, which is already set in AptifyObjRepSynchronizer by default. Therefore, you do not need to use this command unless you have installed Aptify to a database other than APTIFY.
    • /UserDB=[Database used to store user metadata]
      Typically, this database is APTIFY, which is already set in AptifyObjRepSynchronizer by default. Therefore, you do not need to use this command unless you have installed Aptify to a database other than APTIFY.
    • /File=[Name of the file to be created or updated]
      Use this argument to specify the name of the specific .dll or Object Repository Object you are intending to create or update.
    • /ObjectName=[Name given to the object that is created/updated]
      Use this argument to specify the name of the object.
    • /PackageName=[Package given to object that is created/updated]
      Use this argument to specify the Package where this object is stored.
    • /Update=[Update is used to specify if the utility will create or update the object]
      When set to False, this command is used to instruct the utility to create a new Object Repository Object. When set to True, the utility will update an existing object.
    • /ObjectType=[Object Type given to the object that is created/updated]
      Use this argument to specify the file type of this object.
    • /Description=[Description given to the object that is created/updated]
      Below are examples:
      • To update an existing object: 

        No Format
        C:\AptifyObjectRepositoryCmdUtility.exe /Server:TESTSERVER1 /UserID: SA/Password:Password123 /ENTITYDB:APTIFY/USERDB:APTIFY/File:C:\UpdatedObjectName.dll /ObjectName:Name of Object /PackageName: CRM /Update:True 
      • To create a new object:

        No Format
        C:AptifyObjectRepositoryCmdUtility.exe /Server:TESTSERVER1 /UserID: SA/Password:Password123 /ENTITYDB:APTIFY/USERDB:APTIFY/File:C:\NewObject.dll /ObjectName: Name of New Object/PackageName: CRM/Update:False /ObjectType:.NET Assembly (Private Deployment) /Description:New Aptify Object. 

        You will receive a confirmation once the utility has successfully created/updated the Objects Repository Object.

  5. To verify the object was uploaded correctly, launch Aptify and open the Object Repository Objects service.
  6. Locate the object specified in the previous step and verify that the object has been created/updated appropriately.