- Locate the Aptify Object Repository Utility.
- Located in the Utilities > AptifyObjectRepositoryUtility of Aptify 5.5 (and later) distribution packages6.0.
- Located in the Utilities > AptifyObjectRepositoryUtility of Aptify 5.5 (and later) distribution packages6.0.
- Copy the utility's folder to the database server.
- Open a Command Prompt, make sure to right-click and select Run as Administrator to launch the prompt.
- On Windows Server 2008, the Run as Administrator option bypasses the server's User Access Control (UAC) while running the utility.
- On Windows Server 2008, the Run as Administrator option bypasses the server's User Access Control (UAC) while running the utility.
- In the Command window, run the AptifyObjectRepositryCmdUtility,exe (with full path to the executable) specifying the necessary command line arguments:
- /Server=[Aptify Database Server]
Use this argument to specify the Aptify database server. Note that rather than use this command line argument, you can add the Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Server key to the AptifyObjRepSynchronizer.exe.config file.
- /UserID=[Untrusted User Name]
If connecting as an untrusted user, such as sa, use this argument to specify that user. There is no command line argument to specify a trusted user account. Instead, set the Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Trusted key to true in the AptifyObjRepSynchronizer.exe.config file to use a trusted login.
- /Password=[password]
If you specified an untrusted user using the /user argument, specify the password for that untrusted user. Note that the password will appear in plain text. There is no command line argument to specify a trusted user account. Instead, set the Aptify.Framework.LoginServices.AptifyLogin.Trusted key to true in the AptifyObjRepSynchronizer.exe.config file to use a trusted login.
- /EntityDB=[Database used to store Aptify's Entities Entity]
Typically, this database is APTIFY, which is already set in AptifyObjRepSynchronizer by default. Therefore, you do not need to use this command unless you have installed Aptify to a database other than APTIFY.
- /UserDB=[Database used to store user metadata]
Typically, this database is APTIFY, which is already set in AptifyObjRepSynchronizer by default. Therefore, you do not need to use this command unless you have installed Aptify to a database other than APTIFY.
- /File=[Name of the file to be created or updated]
Use this argument to specify the name of the specific .dll or Object Repository Object you are intending to create or update.
- /ObjectName=[Name given to the object that is created/updated]
Use this argument to specify the name of the object.
- /PackageName=[Package given to object that is created/updated]
Use this argument to specify the Package where this object is stored.
- /Update=[Update is used to specify if the utility will create or update the object]
When set to False, this command is used to instruct the utility to create a new Object Repository Object. When set to True, the utility will update an existing object.
- /ObjectType=[Object Type given to the object that is created/updated]
Use this argument to specify the file type of this object.
- /Description=[Description given to the object that is created/updated]
Below are examples:To update an existing object:
No Format nopanel true C:\AptifyObjectRepositoryCmdUtility.exe /Server:TESTSERVER1 /UserID: SA/Password:Password123 /ENTITYDB:APTIFY/USERDB:APTIFY/File:C:\UpdatedObjectName.dll /ObjectName:Name of Object /PackageName: CRM /Update:True
To create a new object:
No Format nopanel true C:AptifyObjectRepositoryCmdUtility.exe /Server:TESTSERVER1 /UserID: SA/Password:Password123 /ENTITYDB:APTIFY/USERDB:APTIFY/File:C:\NewObject.dll /ObjectName: Name of New Object/PackageName: CRM/Update:False /ObjectType:.NET Assembly (Private Deployment) /Description:New Aptify Object.
Info You will receive a confirmation once the utility has successfully created/updated the Objects Repository Object.
- /Server=[Aptify Database Server]
- To verify the object was uploaded correctly, launch Aptify and open the Object Repository Objects service.
- Locate the object specified in the previous step and verify that the object has been created/updated appropriately.