The start date from the associated Commission Plan flows down to this field and represents the date the Agreement went into effect. The start date can be modified , but must fall between the start and end dates listed on the Commission Plan record.
The end date from the associated Commission Plan flows down to this field and represents the date the Agreement is no longer in effect. The end date can be modified , but must fall after the start date and between the start and end dates listed on the Commission Plan record.
The status of the Commission Agreement can be one of the following options: Active, Inactive, or Cancelled. The ability to mark the agreement record as inactive or cancelled allows the rest of the associated agreements to continue to function without deleting the inactive or cancelled agreement. It also gives the user the ability to reinstate an agreement at a later period during the Commission Plan time period.
Canceled Date
If the commission agreement status is Cancelled, the Cancelled Date field becomes available. The date entered represents the date the commission agreement is cancelledcanceled.
Canceled Reason
If the commission agreement status is Cancelled, the Cancelled Reason field becomes available. The text field allows the user to enter a free-text reason why the commission agreement was cancelledcanceled.