- ebConfig.js file available under root/js/configuration folder.
- Sitewide settings should live in the sitewide configuration file.
example://Sitewide default site path value.
eb_Config.SitePath = "http://localhost:63818/";//Service path
eb_Config.ServicePath = 'http://localhost:51809/';//Login Page URL
eb_Config.loginPageURL = eb_Config.SitePath + "login.html";//Thumbnail image folder path
eb_Config.thumbnailImageURL = eb_Config.SitePath + 'images/thumbnail/';//Large image folder path
eb_Config.largeImageURL = eb_Config.SitePath + 'images/large/';//Image path extension
eb_Config.imageExtension = '.jpg';//This property will load default image [No Photo Available Image] instead original one for product.
eb_Config.loadDefaultImage = true;eb_Config.defaultDateFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY"; // Default date format
eb_Config.eventsDateFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A"; // Event date format
eb_Config.roundOffDigitsAfterDecimal = 2; //Digit after decimal
Pass site level configuration to a control on page startup. SitePath and Service Path will be passed in by default if not explicitly specified in options.
example : eb_Config.config(options, eb_billingShippingAddress);- Sitewise get URL parameter function to get URL attributes value.
example: eb_Config.getUrlParameter("RedirectPage")
Control List
- <a href="Login.html">Login</a></li>