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  1. Login to the Web server where the e-Business setup is placed.
  2. Traverse to the 'ImageSyncUtility' folder under 'Utilities' in the e-Business setup. Right-click on 'ImageSyncUtilityGUI.exe' and click on 'Run as administrator'.
  3. On the Login screen that appears, enter the database instance name,  username and password with administrative privileges.
  4.  After successful login, the following screen appears. Select all the Images or selected images that the user wants to sync. Click on 'Sync' button.
  5. Close the Utility after the Sync is successful.
  6. Reset the IIS . Now refresh the Web browser and connect to the Aptify e-Business website to confirm that product images loads properly. 

Running the Application Server with e-Business 6.0:

For automatic sending of order confirmation email, we have utilised the Aptify Application Server Async processor.

Following additional steps need to be performed for Aptify Application server to be working correctly with e-Business 6.0

  1. Install Aptify Application server. Refer the Installation guide for the same.  Perform the required configuration  and Updations as instructed in the guide.
  2. Traverse to the Application server installed path and locate the  file "AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe.config". Open the file and perform following updates in the config file:

        <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
            <assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
            <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

  3. The "AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe.config" would appear as follows. Save and close the record.


Image Added

4. Restart the following services 'Aptify 5.5 Asynchronous Processor'. The user should be able to use the application server with e-Business 6.0.