Note |
If your Aptify 5.0 folder is somewhere different than the default C:\Program Files\Aptify 5.0 make sure to change that in the Command Prompt script before executing in the area underlined below. So sc create AptifyObjectRepositoryService binPath= "C:\Program Files\Aptify 5.0\Services\Object Repository\AptifyObjectRepositoryService.exe" DisplayName= "Aptify Object Repository Service" start= auto |
- You'll need to setup an Aptify user to run the App Server.
If you do not have a user already setup for this, you can create a new user or update an existing user to have the proper permissions. - This user needs to have the Administrators and Application Servers security groups applied. Otherwise, it can use an End User license. Tie this user to an Employee record on the final step of the wizard.
- Navigate to the Application Servers service under the Process Pipeline application. Create a new record.
Under Name, you can enter whatever you'd like to identify this application server record. Under Server Name, enter the Server Name. Note The Server Name field displays the server name as it appears on the network and the server that has the application server service running on it.
For example, in the below given screenshot, this targets the default instance of the APTIFYDEV server which is the Aptify Development Server in this instance.Info If using the Consulting-built Async Processor X, you will have two additional fields. - Select Process Untargeted Runs if you wish this application server to pick up open jobs
- Enter your choice for ServiceName. It can be "AptifyAsyncProcessor" by default, or, if setting up backup async processes, something like "AptifyAsyncBackup1." Make a note of what you choose as it'll be used later. (Note, it must be unique per server, e,g, you cannot have two services named AptifyAsyncService on the same server, but you could have an AptifyAsyncService on two separate servers)
- On the Account Information tab, enter in the username and password (including domain) of the Aptify User who will be running this Async service. This should either previously have been setup or setup in Instructions 1→4 above.
- On the Account Information tab, enter the Account Name and Account Password (including domain) of the Aptify User who will be running this Async service. This should either previously have been setup or setup in Instructions 1→4 as given above.
- Make a note of the Application Server ID record that was created.
- Run Command Prompt as a Windows Administrator.
- Copy and paste this value to somewhere on your local machine, e,g, a new tab of a browser.
sc create AptifyAsyncProcessor binPath= "C:\Program Files\Aptify 5.0\AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe" DisplayName= "Aptify 5.0 Asynchronous Processor" start= auto
- When run in Command Prompt, this will generate your Async service. First, verify the values are correct per below.
- The construct of this is sc create YourServiceName binPath= "LocationOfYourAptifyAsyncProcessor.exe file" DisplayName= "YourDisplayName" start=auto
- Make the following changes to that text, if applicable.
- For example, if I want to create an Async Service with a different service name for the Consulting Async Service, my text might be:
- sc create AptifyAsyncBackupProcessor binPath= "C:\Program Files\Aptify 5.0\AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe" DisplayName= "Aptify Backup Asynchronous Processor" start= auto
- You'd then need to make sure your config file and Aptify Application Server record have the ServiceName of AptifyAsyncBackupProcessor and in the config file, appropriate Display Name
- If I wanted to create an Async Service running off a different Aptify 5.0 folder, my text might be:
- sc create AptifyAsyncProcessor binPath= "E:\Apps\AptifyAsync\AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe" DisplayName= "Aptify 5.0 Asynchronous Processor" start= auto
- sc create AptifyAsyncProcessor binPath= "E:\Apps\AptifyAsync\AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe" DisplayName= "Aptify 5.0 Asynchronous Processor" start= auto
- For example, if I want to create an Async Service with a different service name for the Consulting Async Service, my text might be:
- Once you have the right text, copy it.
- Right-click and paste it into the Administrator Command Prompt, it should quickly say Success. It will have created your Windows Service here:
- Now we need to set up the Async Processor to use the right user. Type Services.msc into the Windows Start Menu. Then double click the Aptify 5.0 Asynchronous Processor (or whatever yours is named).
- Under the Logon tab, change it from Local System account to This Account and specify the username/password for the Aptify user account that runs the app server. This should be the same values that are on the Application Server Account Information tab.
- On the Recovery Tab, you can specify optional actions if the service fails. At the minimum, it's recommended to setup Restart for the First and second failure.
- Click Apply and OK.
- Right-click the Async Service, and click start. (By default it'll start up with the server in the future) If it starts, great.
- If it's having trouble logging into the database or executing certain files, it may immediately stop after starting. Check the Event Viewer on the Application Server for more details as well as the Event Viewer on the database server.
- The most common issue is usually the Aptify 5.0 folder running the Async service is out of sync with the Object Repository. Try performing a full object repository sync on the folder and logging in to confirm the Desktop client is functional.
- If using the Consulting version, double check the Aptify ApplicationServer ServiceName, the config file service name, and the service name in services.msc to confirm all 3 matches.
- If you need to delete your Windows Service to try and setup a different one, in an Administrator Command Prompt you can enter sc delete YourServiceName.
- The most common issue is usually the Aptify 5.0 folder running the Async service is out of sync with the Object Repository. Try performing a full object repository sync on the folder and logging in to confirm the Desktop client is functional.