This section contains the Bug fixes fix description of Aptify 6.4 release as given below:
Kendo-Contact log > Load from Template popup UI load problem
While creating a new contact log record in customer management, the load from template pop-up was not displaying the templates. This issue has been resolved.
(Issue 5050)
Few entities record ids are shown as undefined.
The Records ID of Persons, Orders, Company, and Product were displaying as undefined in the record tab heading. This issue has been resolved in release 6.4.
(Issue 5373)
Event Viewer is spammed with message about DefaultScheme not being set
With 6.3 version of Aptify, the application continuously reported following message to Event Viewer. This issue has been resolved. The application will no longer spam the Event Viewer with the message.
Message: “The Attribute Value [Aptify.Services.Authentication.DefaultScheme] could not be found.”
(Issue 5925)
Set UpdateBadgeInfoThroughBusinessLogic Value to false for Aptify Smart Client and Aptify Web
In Aptify, any changes made to the badge values from an order line meeting product were getting overwritten whenever a user saved the order. As part of the fix, the value of UpdateBadgeInfoThroughBusinessLogic attribute is set to false as default in configuration file of Smart Client (shell.config) and Aptify Web (web.config).
<add key="Aptify.Applications.OrdersEntity.Meetings.UpdateBadgeInfoThroughBusinessLogic" value="false"/>
(Issue 5943)
Credit Card Reference Transactions are not working with Bluepay
In Aptify release 6.2 and release 6.3, while processing credit card reference payments with Bluepay, an error message “Credit card verification failed” was being encountered. This issue has been resolved by adding following new attribute to the configuration files through setup.
<add key="Aptiy.Framework.Payment.ClientInformationProvider" value="Aptify.Applications.OrderEntry.Payments.ClientValuesServices.ServicesClientInformationProvider, ClientValuesServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f3fa0ecabf9514d9"/> —added to web.config for web application.
(Issue AW- 6040)