This topic provides information on troubleshooting issues that you may encounter running the Aptify 67.4 0 or Aptify Web 67.4 0 setup.
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In some cases (as noted) it is recommended to re-run the setup on a restored backup taken from prior to installation. |
Troubleshooting issues with installing Aptify 67.4 0 are addressed in the following sub-topics:
If your organization has modified the Orders entity, it is possible that the Aptify 67.4 0 installation may fail when the setup program is updating the Orders entity while attempting to update virtual field definitions for the ShipToEmail and BillToEmail fields to support company only orders. Perform the following steps if the installation fails as described in this scenario.
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The Aptify 67.4 0 database setup may fail if a form template or dashboard circular reference error is found. In Aptify 67.40, Aptify added the Unique Identifier for form templates to prevent circular reference errors, so you should not see this error on systems that originated from 67.40. However, you may see this issue if your database was at one point an earlier version.
- Identify which required field does not have a default value based on the error information provided by the setup program.
- Restore the database back to its original state prior to the installation attempt which failed.
- Open the appropriate entity and specify a default value for the field you identified in step 1.
- Save and close the entity.
- Re-run the Aptify 67.4 0 setup program.
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If an entity has a field that is not part of the base view, the installation may fail. For example, Aptify 67.4 0 added a new field to Companies called Logo. This can be a problem for certain databases whose entity meets these conditions:
If an organization has an entity that meets all of the conditions listed above and the 67.4 0 setup program is adding or new field to that entity, then the 67.4 0 setup program will fail. The work around for the above example is:
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When upgrading to Aptify 67.40, the database setup fails if Row Set Security is set in the Persons and Companies entities in your environment. To ensure a successful upgrade, you should remove Row Set Security from the Persons and Companies entities before beginning the installation procedure. You can reinstate the Row Set Security settings once the install is successful. Follow these steps for the Persons and Companies entities:
Once you have completed the upgrade to Aptify 67.40, you can re-enable the rules for Row Set Security in the Persons and/or Companies entities using the following steps:
After upgrading to Aptify 67.40, there might be a scenario where the 'Create Order' option from a person or company summary form may not work. Follow the below steps for the respective entity to make sure it works: