Release 7.0 enables clients to host Aptify database into cloud managed database offerings such as Azure Managed SQL Instance. The first step towards Azure enablement is to migrate the on-premises database to cloud. This document provides step-by-step instruction to migrate the existing database from a SQL Server instance to Azure SQL Managed Instance using Azure Data Studio. For more information on migration to Azure SQL Managed Instance refer to
- An Azure Subscription
- A Contributor role for Azure subscription.
Ensure that APTIFYSA user exists in the database. Refer to AptifySA User creation documentation for instruction on how to create the user.
Note If you do not create APTIFYSA user, you will not be able to login to database or Smart Client with Azure instance.
- Execute below queries by connecting to SSMS and selecting database to be migrated.
EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa'ALTER DATABASE [dbase] SET trustworthy ON
Open store procedure spGetCurrentUserTypes from the Object Explorer. In the right-hand panel remove the double dots prefixed to vwGroupMembers.
Note After completion of migration undo the changes done in spGetCurrentUserTypes on On-premises database instance only.
- Create Blob storage for database backup. Refer to create Blob storage.
Infonote |
Below screen shots are only for reference purpose only. Please follow the steps to create the Azure SQL Managed Instance related provide the details specific to your environment. |
Steps to Migrate database to Azure
- Open Azure Portal by typing URL- in the address bar.
- Go to Resource groups page.
Click Create to create a new resource group.
Note icon false If you have already created a resource group for migration, search and select the same.
- On Create a resource group page enter the values for fields Subscription, Resource group, and Region.
- Click Review + create button. The newly created resource group appears in the Resource groups page.
- Go to SQL Managed Instances service and click Create to create a SQL managed instance for the new resource group.
- On the Create Azure SQL Managed Instance, select the values for Subscription, Resource group and enter the Managed Instance name.
- Click Review + create button. The newly created managed instance appears in the list of services.
- Upload the on-premises database backup to blob storage before migration. There are two ways to upload backup on Azure: Directly through SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) using URL or by uploading database backup on storage account through Azure portal.
- Directly through SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) using URL
- Login to SSMS, open Object Explorer.
- Directly through SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) using URL