- If your users want to send view results to email recipients automatically,
Aptify - Aptify strongly
recommends - recommends that you use an SMTP-based messaging system, such as the SMTP-based Dot Net Mail or Dot Net Mail SMTP Client system, rather than Outlook Mail.
- If a user decides to use Outlook Mail to send view results, note that messages will be sent from the Application Server user's Outlook account and not from the user who originally configured the view. Also, Microsoft Outlook may require that no user be logged into the Application Server in order to successfully generate and send bulk messages at the appointed time. Finally, you may need to reduce Outlook's security settings to allow messages to be sent from Aptify without user intervention.
- The Application Server user is the trusted user account who is running the asynchronous processor service.
- If a user decides to use Outlook Mail to send view results, note that messages will be sent from the Application Server user's Outlook account and not from the user who originally configured the view. Also, Microsoft Outlook may require that no user be logged into the Application Server in order to successfully generate and send bulk messages at the appointed time. Finally, you may need to reduce Outlook's security settings to allow messages to be sent from Aptify without user intervention.
See the Aptify - recommends that you use an SMTP-based messaging system, such as the SMTP-based Dot Net Mail or Dot Net Mail SMTP Client system, rather than Outlook Mail.
- Guide for
- for details. This user account must have an active Outlook account to send Outlook messages using Application Server.
- for details. This user account must have an active Outlook account to send Outlook messages using Application Server.
- When setting up an SMTP server that will send view results as email attachments, keep in mind that the message size limit must be large enough to support the email attachments.
- For example, Microsoft's SMTP Virtual Server has a default message size limit of 2040 KB. However, the size of a bitmap version of a chart view (which is what is attached to an email) may exceed this limit. In this case, the message delivery will fail at the scheduled date and time.
- If using Microsoft's SMTP Virtual Server, follow these steps to configure the message size limit:
- Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Right-click the SMTP Virtual Server in the console tree and
select -- select Properties
from - from the pop-up menu.
- Click
the - the Messages
tab- tab.
- Modify
the - the Limit message size to (KB)
field - field as necessary.
- Restart Internet Services on your computer in order for the new message size limit to take effect.
- When this functionality is enabled, Aptify always generates and emails reports for views, even when the view contains no data. In Aptify 5.5.5, administrators have the ability to control whether an email is sent when a view contains no data. The following metadata items allow for control of generation of reports for dataless views:
- ViewControl.ScheduleDialogControl.DoSDCLocalization.SendMailForBlankViewAsWell Culture String Record
- Base String: Send Mail For Blank View As Well
- Category: Basic
- SendMailForBlankViewAsWell field in the Views entity
- DisplayName: Send Mail For Blank View As Well
- Description: Send Mail For Blank View As Well
- SQLDataType: bit
- InTable: 1
- Updateable: 1
- Type: 0
- DefaultValue: 1
- SendMailForBlankViewAsWell input property in the Execute View with No UI process component
- Description: If this is true, the email is sent with blank attachment file. If this is false, an email is not sent.
- Type: Integer
- IsRequired: 0
- SendMailForBlankViewAsWell input property in the Execute View with No UI process flow
- Description: If this is true, the email is sent with blank attachment file. If this is false, an email is not sent.
- Type: String
- IsRequired: 0
- SendMailForBlankViewAsWell input property record in the Execute View with No UI process flow
- SourceType: Context Object
- Source : SendMailForBlankViewAsWell
- ViewControl.ScheduleDialogControl.DoSDCLocalization.SendMailForBlankViewAsWell Culture String Record
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