- IT Developer Button Bar: The top of the Developer/Database Admin's main dashboard contains a button bar with the following buttons:
- New User: Click this button to launch the Aptify User Administration wizard. See
- Creating User Accounts for more information about creating users in Aptify.
- New Process Flow: Click this button to open a new Process Flow record.
- New Wizard: Click this button to open a new Wizards record.
- New Entity Bulk Operation: Click this button to open a new Entity Bulk Operations record.
- New Entity: Click this button to open a new Entities record.
- Most Recently Used Record: This instance of the Most Recently Used control provides quick access to recently viewed records and views for the current user.See Using the Desktop Client Most Recently Used Dashboard section in the "Desktop" chapter of the Aptify User Guide for for details.
- Note that the items that appear in the dashboard list are limited to those records whose entities support the Most Recently Used Records component. See
- for more details.
- My Open Task: This is a list view that displays incomplete tasks that are assigned to the current user's Employees record (that is assigned tasks that are less than 100% 100 percent complete). This view includes a hierarchy that displays information for existing tasks that need to be completed before this task can be started.
- Groups: This is a list view that displays the Groups within the Aptify system. This view contains a hierarchy that displays a list of users in a particular group.
- Most Used Entities: This is a chart view of Most Recently Used system data that provides insight into the most commonly accessed entities within Aptify. Note that only entities that support the Most Recently Used Records component are eligible to appear in this chart. Also, this view filters out the Views entity for a better representation of entity use. IT Developer Main –Dashboard