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  1. Open Smart Client.
  2. Check for Integration services added to the applications list.
  3. Meeting Product scenario:
  4. Open an existing or create a new Meeting-class product .Change its available which you want to integrate with Crowd Wisdom LMS (refer Creating a Meeting Type Class for creating the same).
  5. Open the corresponding product record and confirm that the available date from and to dates is set to active dates.
  6. Go to Web tab and check on web-enable option.
  7. Go To Education Unit Tab to Meeting Logistics tab > Education Unit sub-tab and create Education Units. Refer Configuring a Meeting Product to Track Education Units.
  8. Go to Product Details > Integration Mapping > Create a new record.
  9. Enter Integration System ID which refers to Crowd Wisdom Integration or click on the search icon, it should display the Crowd Wisdom option.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Refresh the record.
  12. Observe Integration Record ID is auto-populated along with date updated and date created field in Integration Mapping tab.
  13. Close the record (Record ID is the same given in Crowd Wisdom web course ID).
  14. Save the product record.
  15. Login into Crowd Wisdom website.
  16. Search for the product.
  17. Publish the product from CrowdWisdom site.
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  18. Fill up the address and country, publish the product.
  19. Click on Add New Variant, fill up the subscription length.
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  20. Click Create.
    Success message gets displayed.
  21. Go to Catalog.
  22. Verify the product is displayed.
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  23. Go to Smart Client.
  24. Make one Order related to that product (eg: 562) and ship the Order.
  25. Check the Order record is created from Smart Client and is displayed in the catalog.
  26. Go to Crowd Wisdom > Catalog > List. Search for the product via product name.
  27. Check for the external Id, Enrollment no of the user.
  28. Click on the number hyperlink, in the LEARNERS section, check for the enrolled user's first name and last name

 If Using Smart Client or Web for creating orders then follow the below steps:

  1. Login to Smart Client or Web application.
  2. Create an Order related to the product noted in step 3 and ship the Order.
  3. Check that the associated order ship to a person receives an email on their primary email ID confirming the "LMS Subscribe“ option.
  4. The email would contain the LMS URL using which the person can browse the Crowd Wisdom URL for subscribing the course.
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  5. Please note that similar way, user will receive a Unsubscribe email when the respective order is cancelled and shipped.

  If Using Classic e-Business for creating orders then follow the below steps:

  1. Login to classic e-Business Web application.
  2. Go to Education > select Class Schedule option.
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  3. Open the Course record created in the previous step.
  4. Select 'Class Schedule' option and register for the same.
  5. Further complete the checkout process.
  6. The Student status will now be updated to "Currently Registered".
  7. Login into Crowd Wisdom Website using valid credentials.
    The login details and URL will be provided by Crowd Wisdom Account Manager.
  8. Go to Courses and note that the product which we have integrated in previous step gets displayed in the courses section.
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  9. Click Edit.
  10. Check the External Link is same as the product ID in Aptify system.
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  11. Go to Orders, click on the Orders, and search for the orders generated for Crowd Wisdom with product name.
  12. Please confirm that the order should have status as “Order Revoked by API” 
  13. Click View. In View orders, check Customer Name for whom the order was placed, Order Status as Complete, Order Notes, Education Units & Product Name in Course/Chapter.
  14. Once the enrolled users attend the courses, the status of the course attended would be marked as Passed or Failed.
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  15. Go to View Customer option and check the order placed.
  16. Click "Assume User" option.
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  17. Avail the course by clicking ''Submit Credit". Click Continue option during re-confirmation.
    Provide ratings as your feedback and click Process Credit option.
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  18. Click Generate Certificate from Crowd Wisdom Site to generate the certificate and view your certificate.
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  19. Log out from the Crowd Wisdom application.
  20. Login to Aptify Smart Client or Aptify Web application.
  21. Select Education management application→ Education Unit Service.
  22. Confirm that the Education Units are created for the Aptify product used above.

Enrolled user will receive a subscription email with Crowd Wisdom link.



Note: Same above steps to be followed for CMS and Non CMS and product should be purchased and shipped and that order will get displayed on Freestone on Crowd Wisdom site.