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The name which displays when the Form Part appears on the form.

Layout Key

This field is used to identify and reference form template parts within a Form Template Layout control. The Layout Key is the first candidate for match.


This field is applicable for Form Template Parts that correspond to a tab on a form. When specified, the icon appears to the right of the tab name on the form. This field specifies a location in the Aptify Object Repository.


  • Component: Components are the different types of fields that may appear on a form, from text box or link box to tab control.
  • Tab Control: Tab control parts link another template to display a list of tabs (creating sub tabs for a tab).
  • Sub-Template: Sub-Templates describe the template for a tab.


    When the Type is Sub-Template, the Input Map tab is disabled.

Form Component

This field is applicable only if the Type field is set to Component, and links to the Forms Components service.


Specifies whether or not the Form Template Part is enabled on the form. This option is selected by default and the Form Template Part is enabled. When this option is cleared, the form template part appears on the form but it is grayed out and disabled for all run modes.


Specifies whether the Form Template Part will appear in the Aptify web interface and Aptify Desktop client.

Placement Tab

This tab is only applicable when Location is set to Specific and applies to fields that appear on a form. All of the placement values are defined in pixels.


  • None (default)
  • Proportional Growth/Shrinkage
  • Fill — Auto-Fill To Container Height

Input Map Tab

The fields included on the Input Map tab are dependant upon the defined part's Type. If the defined part's Type is set to Component, the Input Map tab provides list of mappings for the input properties associated with the component upon which this form template part is based. If the defined part's Type is set to Tab Control, the Input Map provide information about the tab's styling including the color of the tabs and the font of the tab headings. Note that this tab is not available if the part's Type is set to Sub-Template.


  • Component Input Map Tab
  • Tab Control Input Map Tab

Component Input Map Tab

If the defined part's Type is set to Component, the Input Map tab provides a list of mappings for the input properties associated with the component upon which this form template part is based. These input properties list the details that may be modified for the component selected. For example, some properties that may be modified on a text field include the label, or the type and size of the font.

This tab automatically inherits a list of all input properties associated with the form component selected on the General tab and is therefore only available when the Type field on the General tab is set to Component. Fields may be updated directly in the grid.

Component Input Map TabImage RemovedComponent Input Map TabImage Added 

Input Property (read-only)


The comments field contains any additional details relevant to the Form Templates Parts record.

Tab Control Input Map Tab

If the defined part's Type is set to Tab Control, the Input Map provides information about the way in which the tabs appear of the form including the style of the tabs, the font of the tab headings and the color of both the tab headings and the form area that appears under the selected tab.


When selected, Aptify's default tab styling is used and the others fields on the Input Map tab become disabled. When cleared, the tab styling settings defined on the Input Map tab are used. Note that when you select this option, the default values are populated in the corresponding field and any customized settings are lost.

Custom Settings

The section below defines the appearance of the tab control, tab color, and the style of the display area under each tab..


When selected, the caption on both enabled and disabled non-selected (and enabled) tabs are underlined.

Selected Tab Settings

The settings in this section define the font settings for tab that is selected.
