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The Advertising Insertion Orders record tracks information about individual advertisements that run in specific issues of a publication. It also serves as the invoicing mechanism for the advertising department without having to use the Orders service directly. Typically, several insertion orders are associated with a single Advertising Contracts record.



The Advertising Contracts record must be created before the associated Advertising Insertion Orders records.

Advertising Insertion Orders Record
Image RemovedAdvertising Insertion Orders RecordImage Added

Top Panel

Contract (required)


  • Verbal:The insertion order has been discussed but a commitment has not been made. Verbal is the default status. Saving a Verbal Insertion Order does not create an Orders record.
  • Quote:Selecting the Quote status and saving the Insertion Order automatically creates an Orders record. The order will have a status of " Taken."
  • Approved:Selecting the Approved status and saving the Insertion Order automatically changes the Orders record status to " Shipped."
  • On Hold:Select the On Hold status if the insertion order is no longer planned but could be reactivated. You can change the Insertion Order from On Hold to Approved or Cancelled if necessary.



    Setting the Insertion Order status to On Hold tentatively designates the Insertion Order as inactive. If you change the status from On Hold to Cancelled, the record locks and you will not be able to reactivate it.

  • Cancelled: Selecting the Cancelled status and saving the Insertion Order locks the Insertion Orders record and creates a cancellation order for the original order (if one exists). Most fields in the record cannot be edited after lockdown. You cannot reactivate an Insertion Order that has been cancelled. If an Advertising Insertion Order is cancelled in error, you must recreate it to place an order for the same item.


When the status of the insertion order is changed to " Cancelled, " the date of the status change populates this field.


The Bill To tab contains the billing information for each company or person responsible for the insertion order. For each Multiple Bill To record listed on the Bill To tab, the insertion order generates a corresponding Orders record for their share of the total bill.

The Post Payment button on the Bill To tab initiates the payment process for posting a payment for the insertion order. The payment can be posted to a specific person/company listed in the Bill To tab during this process.


The General tab is where the user enters in the specific information about the product issue selected on the insertion order. In order to quote a price to the customer, the user must specify the color code, size code and position for the insertion order.

Several options on the General tab are controlled by the Advertising Rate Cards service. There must be an Advertising Rate Cards record that specifies a price for the combination of color, size, and position for the Insertion Order. You cannot select a combination that is not represented in the Advertising Rate Cards service.


This selection determines which set of General Ledger accounts to use for the order that is generated when the insertion order is saved as approved. See the See About Order Levels and GL Accounts section of the "Orders, Payments and Scheduled Transactions" chapter in the Aptify Accounting & Financial Systems Integration Guide for  for more information.

Color (required)


The Opportunity Tab on the Insertion Orders record give an organization a place to track sales opportunities and status. The information stored in the fields on this tab can be used to create views of insertion orders that are still pending or have not been sold as of a specific date.
Insertion Order Opportunity Tab
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Insertion Order Opportunity TabImage Added


The Source field is used to track what prompted the creation of the insertion order, for instance if it is a request for proposal or some other source. The Source field is a drop-down with a default list with the following options: RFP, Other or blank. See your systems administrator to add other options that may be more meaningful to your business practices.


The Production tab of the Insertion Orders record is mainly for storing in-house tracking data to know at a glance what the status is of the production of the advertisement. The Production tab consists of several tabs for specific information.

General Sub-Tab

  • General Tab on Insertion Order -Production Tab

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General Tab on Insertion Order Production TabImage Added

Insertion Type

The insertion type field is for indicating whether the advertisement is on a material that is not a part of the regularly bound publication. If neither option applies, the field can be set to blank. Options are:


The Materials tab is used to track information about the physical materials provided for the advertisement by the advertiser or agency.
Materials Tab on Insertion Order Production Tab
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Materials Tab on Insertion Order Production TabImage Added

Material Type

The Material Type field is for indicating what medium the advertising materials were received from the advertiser. Standard options include Electronic, Hardcopy or None.


The Proof Copy tab on the Production tab of the Insertion Order record is for documenting the type of proof provided to the advertiser/agency and the date it occurred.
Proof of Copy Tab on Insertion Order Production Tab
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Proof of Copy Tab on Insertion Order Production TabImage Added

Provided By

The Provided By field describes the type of proof created. Standard options include Laser, TIFF and blank.


The Proof of Insertion tab is for documenting and verifying the advertisement appeared in the publication the advertiser/agency contracted for in the Insertion Order.
Proof of Insertion Tab on Insertion Order Production Tab
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Proof of Insertion Tab on Insertion Order Production TabImage Added


The Type field is for identifying the type of proof sent to the advertiser/agency as verification that the advertisement did indeed get published in the contracted issue. The standard types of proof include Tearsheets, Electronic, Hardcopy, and None.


The Printer tab tracks who the organization used as a printer for the issue of that publication.
Printer Tab of Insertion Order Production Tab
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Printer Tab of Insertion Order Production TabImage Added


The Printer field links to the Companies service to record the printer vendor used for this insertion order.
