In Aptify 6.0, the Aptify web interface supports the ability to modify the paging settings for a view. Paging is enabled when Enable Paging option is selected in the Advanced >Paging tab of a view's properties. See for more information.
The view's footer reports the link to the current page displayed in bold, links to each page, and the total number of records in the view.
The view footer has a limit of five links to a page. When there are more than five pages in a view, an ellipsis link appears in the footer that when clicked, the next set of five page links are loaded.
The footer also includes three arrows, which a user can click to move between pages:
Click > to move to the next page.
Click < to move back a page.
Click |< to return to the first page.
Desktop Client
In the Aptify Desktop client, paging is enabled when Enable Paging option is selected in the Paging tab of a view's properties. See for more information.
The view's footer reports the current page displayed, the total number of available pages, and the total number of records in the view. The footer also includes four arrows, which a user can click to move between pages:
Click |<< to return to the first page.
Click << to move back a page.
The current Page number is displayed in between the arrows.
Click >> to move to the next page.
Click >>| to move to the last page.
Also, a user can jump to a specific page by following these steps:
Click the current page in the footer of a view with paging enabled to open the Switch to Page dialog.