About the Aptify Delivered Culture Strings

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About the Aptify Delivered Culture Strings

The Culture Strings service includes a set of records to localize all areas of the Aptify system that are accessible by the typical end user. An organization only needs to add the applicable Local Strings for the organization's supported cultures to these Culture Strings. Aptify includes over 15,000 delivered culture strings organized into over 150 categories. These records covers both system metadata (such as Entity Name culture strings) and culture strings that are embedded in code (such as display names in code-based wizards).

This includes the following areas:

System Metadata Culture Strings

The following metadata records include one or more links to the Culture Strings service to localize particular content in Aptify:

  • Application Ribbon Buttons: To localize the display name and tool tip of a ribbon button.
  • Application Ribbon Groups: To localize the display name of a ribbon group.
  • Applications: To localize the name of an application in Aptify.
  • Attendee Status: To localize the name and description of meeting attendee status options.
  • Base Fields: To localize the display name and help text for Base Fields.
  • Commands: To localize the display name and tool tip of a menu item or button in the Aptify user interface.
  • Dashboard Buttons: To localize the name and description of a dashboard button.
  • Dashboards: To localize the name of a dashboard. A corresponding Culture String field also appears in the Dashboard Options configuration dialog.
  • Dashboard Parts: To localize the name of a dashboard part. A corresponding Culture String field also appears in the Dashboard Parts configuration dialog.
  • Entities: To localize the name of a service (for top-level entities) or the caption for a sub-type tab on generated forms (for sub-type entities).
  • Entity Actions: To localize the name of code-based wizards as they appear in a tool tip when a user hovers over the wizard's icon in the view toolbar.
  • Entity Fields: To localize a field's caption on generated forms and the help text.
  • Entity Reports: To localize the name and description of reports that appear in the Report wizard.
  • Field Value Lists: To localize options in a standard or data combo value list. By default, the Preferred Addresses drop-down lists on the Persons form are localized using this method.
  • Localizing Standard and Data Combo Value Lists: See Localizing Standard and Data Combo Value Lists for more details.
  • Form Template Parts: To localize text that appears in a form template (that cannot be localized at the Entities or Entity Fields level). This option lets you specify culture strings for tab names that are outside the scope of an entity (such as the Attachments tab or Topic Codes tab found on many forms).
  • Member Types: To localize the name and description of Member Type options on the Persons and Companies forms.
  • Order Sources: To localize the name and description of Order Sources options on the Orders form.
  • Order Status Types: To localize the name and description of the Order Status options on the Orders form.
  • Report Categories: To localize the name of report categories that appear in the Report wizard.
  • View Types: To localize the display name of a view type.
  • Wizards: To localize the name, description, and step names of metadata wizards.

Code-based Culture Strings

Aptify provides a set of Culture Strings record that localize aspects of the user interface that are not configurable through metadata, such as the items described below. In this case, an organization only needs to define the applicable Local Strings for the existing Culture Strings records to localize these areas of the system:

  • Aptify Shell options (context menus, status messages, system tooltips, etc.)
  • Aptify configuration dialogs (such as the View Properties dialog)
  • Code-based wizards
  • Aptify Generic Entity Validation Messages
  • Messages triggered by Entity Field Validation Scripts
  • Messages triggered by Process Flow Scripts
  • Extension Objects

Aptify uses the Culture String's Name field and the Culture String Category to identify the applicable location where the Culture String is used. The Culture String's Base String field identifies the default value for the string. For example, the Culture String with a name like AptifyLockBoxWizard.LockBoxWizard.DoLocalization.WelcomeText identifies the record that can localize the Lock Box Import wizard's Welcome message.

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