This topic describes how to set up event handlers using the Process Pipeline Administration dashboard:

  1. Open the default Process Pipeline Administration dashboard, or another dashboard that includes the Event Handler Management component.
  2. Locate the Event Handler Management window (shown in the figure below).

      Event Handler Management Window
  3. Select an Event Scope (Global, Application, or Entity).
  4. If the Event Scope is set to Global, continue on to the next step. Otherwise:
  5. Open a new Event Handler Management record by clicking the Add Event Handler button on the Event Handler Management Dashboard.
  6. Enter the event definition in the Event field.
  7. Enter the process flow to fire in the Process Flow field.
  8. The input properties flow down from the process flow to the event handler's Input Map.  

    Event Handler Form
  9. Specify the event's Sequence if the entity or application has more than one event associated with it.
  10. Configure the Input Map, as described in Configuring Event Handler Input Maps.
  11. Save and close the record.