When using the Generic Import wizard with the Aptify Desktop interface to import a Microsoft Access/Excel 2013 or 2016 file, the import may fail if running the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2013 or 2016. The error that is generated is: The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. The import fails because the user's computer has the 64-bit version of Access/Excel 2013 or 2016 installed, while the Aptify shell requires the 32-bit version. 

The current workaround for this issue is to install the 32-bit version of the Access Database Engine Redistributable on the user's computer. You can download the redistributable here:

https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/confirmation.aspx?id=23734. Once the Access Database Engine Redistributable is installed, the user's computer must be restarted. 


After you have created or identified a suitable Import Source for your import file (see Creating Import Sources), you can run the Generic Import wizard.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the Import Runs service.
  2. Click the Generic Import Wizard icon in the toolbar to launch the wizard.
  3. Enter the applicable source record in the Import Source field.
  4. Select the Customize Field Mapping for This Import Run option to review or modify the Import Source Columns for this run.  

  5. Click Next to continue.
  6. Modify the field mappings as necessary, and then click Next to continue.
  7. Specify the import file details in the fields provided, and click Next.
  8. Click Finish to begin the import process.
  9. Click OK when prompted that the file was imported successful.