Use this procedure to record new payments not associated with an existing pledge.

  1. Open the Contribution Payment wizard.
  2. Select Individual Contribution or Corporate Contribution. Designate a Contributor for an individual pledge. Designate a Company and Contact for a corporate pledge.
  3. If needed, modify the currency in which you want the pledge payment to be recorded in the Currency Type field.
  4. Click Next.

    Specify -Contribution Information for a Corporate Pledge
  5. Specify payment information including Payment Type and the payment's Cash Control Batch (if applicable). The Payment Type selected determines the other fields to appear on this Wizard page. Click Next.
  6. Select New Contribution (unpledged). Select the relevant Campaign, Solicitor, and Fund. Specify the Date Received and the Amount.
  7. Select the Show In Donor List and VIP options, if applicable.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. When prompted, click Yes to run the Wizard again, or click No to close the wizard.


If an unpledged payment should be distributed to more than one fund, step through the wizard once for each fund concerned. For example, a contribution comes in giving $100 to the Athletic Scholarship fund and $100 to the Academic Scholarship fund. Proceed through the wizard once for the Athletic Scholarship fund, and then again for the Academic Scholarship fund.