In addition to the Entity Security model shown in the table in the Sample Application Entity Security Settings topic, the sample application also implements Field Level Security for the Service Tickets entity. The Users group has Read only access to the ReleasetoFleet field and the Managers and Administrators groups have Read and Edit permissions.

This field corresponds to the Release to Fleet check box on the Service Tickets record, and once a Completed service ticket has this check box selected, a vehicle is automatically returned to the rental pool (using the Vehicle Status Updater process flow).

This field level security ensures that only a manager or an administrator can move a vehicle out of servicing and back to the Available status.

See Managing Field Level Security Settings for information configuring Field Level Security.

See BPR23: Service Ticket Approval for the Motor Loaner Requirement that corresponds to this feature in the sample application.

Finally, see Vehicle Status Updater Process Flow for information on this process flow.