Database Server

Your Aptify database server must meet the following basic requirements before running the Installer:

Application Server

If you are installing on a server running Aptify 5.0 (or you have not already applied the updated processor file included with 5.0 Service Pack 1), you must apply updates provided with 5.0 Service Pack 1 (which are also included in the Aptify 5.5 Service Pack distribution).

Your Aptify application server must meet the following basic requirements before applying the updates provided with Aptify 5.0 Service Pack 1. See Updating the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe File for details.

See System Requirements for Application Servers for more information on the software and hardware requirements to support an Application Server for executing asynchronous process flow runs and scheduled tasks. An organization can deploy 1 to n application servers, depending on utilization and load.

e-Business Server Requirements

The software and hardware requirements to support an Aptify e-Business Server for web presence and online transactions are described in the e-Business System Requirements.

Installation Computer

The computer on which you will run the Installer must meet the following basic requirements: