After a successful installation, the setup creates the following:

Adding Application and Services

The setup creates Career Lead Generation application in your system. It consists of two services: Career Lead Integration Configurations and Career Leads. Make sure you add the Career Lead Generation application to your folder list. For more information on how to manage applications and services, see Using Applications and Services.

Adding Fields to an Opportunity Record

The setup adds the following fields to an Opportunity Record:

Adding New Process Flows

The leads are imported from the YM Career Lead to Aptify AMS through the process flows. The following are the process flows created by the setup in your Aptify system:

Adding Career Center Views

The setup creates the Career Center views folder with the following default views in the Opportunities Service to divide the Opportunity records as per their status and stage:

Adding Multiple Base View 

A new Multiple Base View 'Career Lead Prospects for Email Notification' is created on the Persons service. This view consists of fields from the Persons and Opportunites services. A staff user can create a Career Lead view using this Multiple Base View and send the e-mails with the required content to the records using Aptify Messaging application.