Unpacking entities imports packed entities to another Aptify system. Note that Aptify recommends backing up the destination server before starting the unpacking process.
Follow these steps to pack an entity:

  1. Launch the Entity Unpacker from the Entities service.
      • Non-admin users cannot run the Install Entities wizard.

        Install Entities Icon
  2. On the first page of the Aptify Install wizard, select APTIFY from the Select the Entity Definitions Database list. Click Next.
  3. Select the appropriate database from the Select the Base Database for the Entities list. Typically, this is APTIFY. However, you can enter a custom database as necessary (depending on the design of your Aptify installation). Click Next.
  4. Browse to the directory where the entity pack(s) are located. Click Next.

    Selecting the Entity Installation Location

  5. Select the entity or entities that you want to unpack, and then click Next.
  6. By default, the Aptify Install wizard determines if any of the existing entities match one of the entities you are attempting to unpack. If an entity already exists, the wizard updates the entity using the information in the entity pack. If you do not want to update an existing entity to the version in the entity pack, clear the Upgrade Existing Entities option.
      • Specifically, the unpacking process will not modify the following data for fields in an existing entity: Description, DisplayName, DefaultValue, and SQLFieldSize.

        Finishing Entity Unpacking

  7. Click Finish. A message is displayed when the entities have unpacked successfully.
  8. Confirm that the unpacked entities appear as records in the Entities service. Also, confirm that any associated form templates, event handlers, and process flows were successfully added to their respective services.

Note Concerning Updating Existing Entities When a Field's SQL Size or Type Has Been Modified

Aptify uses the following criteria when a field's type or SQL field size no longer matches the field for the existing entity on the destination server: