Using this document, the developer can migrate classic e-Business controls to e-Business 6.0.

For this, we have taken an example of DirectoryMember control from classic e-Business and migrated it to e-Business 6.0. Same steps can be followed for other classic e-Business controls as well.

The DirectoryMember control is accessible to the Company Administrator. The control displays a list of members within the company. The Company Administrator can see the members list and delink a person from the company.

Migrate Classic e-Business Controls to e-Business 6.0

Follow the below steps to migrate classic e-Business controls to e-Business 6.0:

  1. Display Members list
    1. Display Members List in classic e-Business: The classic e-Business calls the method LoadMember() which in return executes an SQL to get the member list. This member list binds to a Telerik Grid to show data in a tabular form.

Given below is the LoadMember() method in classic e-Business.

Given below is the image of the directory members list in classic e-Business.

b. Display Members List in e-Business 6.0: The e-Business 6.0 uses the REST API to fetch data. 

  1. Route
  2. InputEntityDefinition
  3. OutputEntityDefinition
  4. Business Logic
  5. Security

Use the below JSON endpoint structure to generate the e-Business 6.0 service.

"getAllDirectoryMembers": {

      "route": {

        "httpMethod": "GET",

        "segments": {

          "DirectoryMembers": {

            "isLiteral": true,

            "type": "string",

            "security": {

              "IsCompanyAdmin": {

                "type": "WebGroup",

                "parameters": {

                  "groupList": [ "Company Administrator" ]






        "description": "Retrieves the list of directory members."


      "inputEntityDefinition": null,

      "outputEntityDefinition": {

        "isCollection": true,

        "$ref": "#/entityDefinitions/directoryMembersOutput",

        "name": "directoryMembersOutput"


      "businessLogic": {

        "allDirectoryMembersRetrieval": {

          "executionType": "processFlow",

          "processFlowProperties": {

            "processFlowName": "Execute Data Object",

            "processFlowParameters": {

              "DataObjectName": "spGeteBusiness6_0DirectoryMemberDetails",

              "authenticatedAttributes": "@AuthenticatedAttributes"




        "getDirectoryMembersRetrieval": {

          "executionType": "processFlow",

          "processFlowProperties": {

            "processFlowName": "Retrieve Directory Member Details",

            "processFlowParameters": {

              "PersonId": "@AuthenticatedAttributes.AuthenticatedPrincipalRecordId",

              "MembershipStatus": "",

              "Month": "3",

              "DirectoryMembersDataTable": "@parent.allDirectoryMembersRetrieval.outputDataObjectTable"






Output Fields Definition:

"entityDefinitions": {

    "directoryMembersOutput": {

      "fields": {

        "id": {

          "type": "long"


        "email": {

          "type": "string"


        "companyId": {

          "type": "long"


        "memberType": {

          "type": "string"


        "title": {

          "type": "string"


        "firstLast": {

          "type": "string"


        "address": {

          "type": "string"


        "startDate": {

          "type": "string",

          "sourceField": "JoinDate"


        "endDate": {

          "type": "string",

          "sourceField": "DuesPaidThru"





Given below is the image of Postman Endpoint execution in e-Business 6.0. 

We should be able to get a member list using service built above.

Given below is the image of the directory members list in e-Business 6.0.

2. Delink a person from the company.

a. Delink a person in classic e-Business: The classic e-Business calls a method "RemoveCompanyLinkage" to delink a person from the company. This method is invoked from the button "remove" in classic e-Business.

Given below is the image of RemoveCompanyLinkage method in classic e-Business.

Given below is the list of directory members list to be removed from company in classic e-Business.

b. Delink person from company in e-Business 6.0: To build a service to delink a person from company, follow the below steps:

"removeDirectoryMemberFromCompany": {

      "route": {

        "httpMethod": "PATCH",

        "segments": {

          "DirectoryMembers": {

            "isLiteral": true,

            "type": "string",

            "security": {

              "IsCompanyAdmin": {

                "type": "WebGroup",

                "parameters": {

                  "groupList": [ "Company Administrator" ]






        "description": "Removes directory member from company"


      "inputEntityDefinition": {

        "name": "GetSinglePersonId",

        "fields": {

          "PersonId": {

            "type": "long",

            "input": {

              "httpMethods": [ "PATCH" ],

              "isCollection": true,

              "source": "body",

              "requiredHttpMethods": [







      "outputEntityDEfinition": null,

      "businessLogic": {

          "subscriptionIDRetrieval": {

            "executionType": "processFlow",

            "processFlowProperties": {

              "processFlowName": "Load Subscription Id",

              "processFlowParameters": {

                "PersonId": "@request.PersonId",

                "CompanyId": 1




          "getDirectoryMembersRetrieval": {

            "executionType": "processFlow",

            "processFlowProperties": {

              "processFlowName": "Remove Directory Member From Company",

              "processFlowParameters": {

                "PersonId": "@request.PersonId",

                "CompanyId": 1,

                "iCnt": 0,

                "SubscriptionId": "@parent.subscriptionIDRetrieval.outputIdDataTable"






  1. "Load Subscription Id" which deals with getting subscription id of the person to be delinked.
  2. "Remove Directory Member from Company" which contains similar logic as that of classic e-Business.

We should be able to remove a directory member from company using the service built above.

         Given below is the image showing how to delink a directory member in e-Business 6.0.

Given below is the list of attached process flows, process component and stored procedure packs for reference. 


Following manual instructions need to be followed to update service application record,

  1. Open service application record named as ‘e-Business’.

2. Update the Auth Context info as below.

3. Save the service application record.