Follow the below steps to configure how records are grouped together in a chart view.

  1. Click the Grouping tab.
  2. Under the Primary Grouping tab, select the field that the view will use to group together records from the Group By drop-down list.

    Chart View Grouping Tab

  3. If you selected a field that uses a numeric data type (e.g., ID), then you can select one of the following operations from the Function drop-down list:
  4. By default, the view displays the field name as the group heading in the chart view. To specify a different group heading, enter a value in the Display As field.
  5. Advanced users who are familiar SQL can specify their own Summary SQL statement. Select the Customize Grouping Method option and enter a custom SQL statement in the Grouping SQL text field.
  6. If you want to group records by a second set of criteria in the chart, then select the Secondary Grouping sub-tab, and repeat the steps described in Steps 2-5.

Chart View Grouping Tab - Function and Custom Grouping SQL