About the Validation Rules for the CM Tool Packer
CM Tool First Release
This is first official release of the Aptify Configuration Migration (CM) Tool. If you have any questions or problems using the tool please contact Aptify Technical Support. Your feedback is appreciated!
The following validation rules are available for use when packing CM Tool packs.
Validated Entity Fields with Missing Scripts
Validates all fields using script-based validation have valid scripts.
- Open the field and go to the Script sub-tab on the Validation Type tab.
- Verify a valid script exists for the field, if not provide one.
Validate Dashboard Parts that do not have valid Dashboard Components
Validates all dashboard parts are tied to valid dashboard components.
- Open the dashboard part(s) listed.
- You can access the part by editing the dashboard in which the part resides and double-clicking the part on the Layout tab.
- You can access the part by editing the dashboard in which the part resides and double-clicking the part on the Layout tab.
- Select an appropriate dashboard component from the Component dropdown list.
Missing/Incorrect Entity Extension Object Reference
Validates that all Extension Objects have valid references and are not missing due to a bad reference or removed object. A list of objects is shown above the rule. The list is determined with the following query:
SELECT ID,Name EntityName,ExtensionApp FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..Entity WHERE ExtensionApp <> '' AND ExtensionApp NOT IN( SELECT p.Name + '.' + ob.Name FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectRepositoryObject ob INNER JOIN [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectPackage p ON p.ID = ob.ObjectPackageID)
- Open Object Repository services from smart client.
- Add/update missing Object Repository record from the list.
Missing/Incorrect Entity Verification Object Reference
Validates that all Entity Verification References are valid and are not missing due to a bad reference or removed object. A list of objects will be shown above the rule. The list is determined with the following query:
SELECT ID,Name EntityName,VerifyObject FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..Entity WHERE VerifyObject <> '' AND VerifyObject NOT IN( SELECT p.Name + '.' + ob.Name FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectRepositoryObject ob INNER JOIN [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectPackage p ON p.ID = ob.ObjectPackageID)
- Add/update missing Object Repository Objects record from the list.
Missing/Incorrect Entity Reports Object Reference
Validates that all Entity Reports Objects have valid references and are not missing due to a bad reference or removed object. A list of objects will be shown above the rule. The list is determined by the following query:
SELECT ID ReportID,Name ReportName, EntityID FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..Reports WHERE Object <> '' AND Object NOT IN( SELECT p.Name + '.' + ob.Name FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectRepositoryObject ob INNER JOIN [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectPackage p ON p.ID = ob.ObjectPackageID)
- Open the entity for the report object(s) listed.
- Open that entity and select the Reports tab.
- Select the Report Name mentioned in above Sql result.
- Select an appropriate object using the Object Repository Objects dialog.
Missing/Incorrect Form Components Object Reference
Validates that all Form Components Objects have valid references and are not missing due to a bad reference or removed object. A list of objects will be shown above the rule. The list is determined by the following query:
SELECT ID,Name FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..FormComponent WHERE Object <> '' AND Object NOT IN( SELECT p.Name + '.' + ob.Name FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectRepositoryObject ob INNER JOIN [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectPackage p ON p.ID = ob.ObjectPackageID)
- Go to the General tab of the form template part(s) listed.
- Verify that Type is selected as Component and provide an appropriate Form Component.
Missing/Incorrect Dashboard Components Object Reference
Validates Dashboard Components Objects have valid references and are not missing due to a bad reference or removed object. A list of objects will be shown above the rule. The list is determined by the query below:
SELECT ID,Name FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..DashboardComponent WHERE Object <> '' AND Object NOT IN( SELECT p.Name + '.' + ob.Name FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectRepositoryObject ob INNER JOIN [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectPackage p ON p.ID = ob.ObjectPackageID)
- Open the dashboard part(s) listed.
- You can access the part by editing the dashboard in which the part resides and double-clicking the part on the Layout tab.
- You can access the part by editing the dashboard in which the part resides and double-clicking the part on the Layout tab.
- Select an appropriate dashboard component from the Component dropdown list.
Missing/Incorrect Process Components Object Reference
Validates that all Process Components Object have valid references and are not missing due to a bad reference or removed object. A list of objects will be shown above this rule. The list is determined by the query below:
SELECT ID,Name FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ProcessComponent WHERE Object <> '' AND Object NOT IN( SELECT p.Name + '.' + ob.Name FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectRepositoryObject ob INNER JOIN [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectPackage p ON p.ID = ob.ObjectPackageID)
- Open the Process Flows record(s) mentioned.
- Update or recreate the process component object.
Validate Inter-Related linking of the Entities
Validates that all inter-related entities are included in the pack. The pack will fail to unpack if the below entities are not found on the destination server.
Please make sure above linked entities are present in the pack or on the destination server.
Validate Product's Record
Validates that all Products record have different values for the BaseProductID and ProductID field. Unpacking a Products record with the same value in the BaseProductID and ProductID fields will fail on the destination server.
- Open the Products record(s) listed.
- Specify an appropriate value for the Base product under the Details tab.
Form Template Part Views
Validates all Form Template Parts that contain a view reference a valid View ID. Invalid or missing Views IDs may cause the form to not work as expected.
- Go to the Input Map tab of the form template part(s) listed.
- Verify the ViewID value is valid.
Form Template Part Entity Names
Validates all Form Template Parts contain references to an entity that exists. Evaluate these items and determine if they need to be corrected.
These items will likely not cause the configuration migration to fail.
- Open the form template(s) listed.
- Verify the Entity value is valid. If the required entity does not exist, find or create an appropriate entity and link it to this form template.
Dashboard User and Group Check
User and Group IDs are not linked within the database, and can contain erroneous Values.
Any failed values in this section, except 0 and -1, need to be corrected by linking the dashboard to the correct User and/or Group.
Dashboard Part Views
Validates all Dashboard Parts that contain a view reference a valid View ID. Invalid or missing View Ids may cause the dashboard to not work as expected.
- Open the dashboard part(s) listed.
- You can access the part by editing the dashboard in which the part resides and double-clicking the part on the Layout tab.
- You can access the part by editing the dashboard in which the part resides and double-clicking the part on the Layout tab.
- On the Properties tab, verify the view value is valid.
- If that view does not exist, find or create an appropriate view and link it to the dashboard part.
Dashboard Part Entity Names
Validates all Dashboard Parts contains reference to an existing entity. Evaluate these items and determine if they need to be corrected.
- Open dashboard part(s) listed.
- On the Properties tab, verify the part is linked to the appropriate entity.
- If that entity does not exist, find or create an appropriate entity and link it to the dashboard part.
Form Template Part with missing required Input Property
Validates all Form Template Parts have values for required input properties on the source database.
- Open the form template part(s) listed.
- Select the Input Map tab and check verify all required input properties are populated
- If not, enter a valid value.
Base Table, Base View should not be same for Entity or Virtual Entity
Validates all entities and virtual entities have different names for their base table and base view. Unpacking an entity or virtual entity with the same base table and base view name will fail.
- Open the entity(s) listed.
- Verify the base view and base table names are not the same.
- If they are the same, correct the Base view name to the appropriate name.
Validate Dependent database objects
Validates dependent database object for selected database objects are part of pack. All required database object should be present in the pack or on destination server.
You do not need to pack these database objects if they already exist on the destination server.
- Verify if the above mentioned database objects need to be included in this pack and re-pack.
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