Modifying Tab Layout

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Modifying Tab Layout

All users can configure their own tab layouts to add, remove, or rearrange tabs on a form as desired. This functionality is described in this topic.

Each user can create a modified version of a form to suit his or her own particular usage pattern. For example, a user may want to remove a rarely used tab or rearrange the order in which the tabs appear. These modifications are specific to a user. All other users will continue to see the default form. Note that no data is lost when a user removes tabs from a form; the data is merely hidden.

See the following topics for procedures to modify a form layout and how to switch between a user's modified form and the default form template:

Specifying Group or Global Tab Layouts

Administrators and developers can take tab layouts one step further and apply them globally to all users or to a specific set of users. Note that the system assumes that any template modified directly from the form applies only to that user. If no template existed specific to that user for the form viewed, a new Tab Sub-Template Form Templates record for the specified entity is created automatically, with a Usage Scope of User and the User field set to the User record of the user. This new template uses the global Tab Sub-Template as its Base Template. Also, the Base Template's security permissions flow down to the new template, but because the new template's usage scope is User, only the creator of the new template has access until the user scope is changed.

An administrator can create a group-scope form by creating a user-level template first (following the directions in Modifying the Tab Layout on a Form) and then modifying that Tab Sub-Template's record in the Form Templates service to change its scope to Group so it is available to other users.

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