Specifying a Pricing Object

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Specifying a Pricing Object

An organization may use a Pricing Object instead of the standard Pricing Matrix or a Price Rule to implement the required price selection logic for a product. In this case, a developer creates the pricing object with the desired logic in Visual Studio .NET and adds the compiled object to Aptify's Object Repository. When a pricing object is specified, the system uses the pricing object only and ignores any pricing matrix or pricing rules.

The following is an overview of the process for creating a new Pricing Object and associating it with a product:

  1. The organization defines the pricing behavior for a product and determines that the behavior is beyond the scope of a Pricing Matrix or Price Rule and requires a Pricing Object.
  2. A developer writes and compiles an object in Visual Studio .NET that provides the required pricing logic.
  3. A developer or administrator adds the pricing object to the Aptify Object Repository.
  4. An administrator or user opens the Products record for the product to which the pricing object applies.
    • If the Products record does not already exist, create one for the product.

  5. Click the Prices tab.
  6. Click the Advanced sub-tab.
  7. Enter the object's Object Repository location in the Pricing Object field.
  8. Enter the object's class name that contains the pricing functionality in the Pricing Class field.
  9. Enter the object's assembly name in the Pricing Assembly field.

    Configure -Pricing Object
  10. Save and close the Products record.
  11. Close and reopen Aptify.
  12. Confirm that the pricing object operates as expected by adding the product to a new test order.

    If the logic in a pricing object applies to all products in a particular category, you can specify this object at the Product Category level. Whenever a new product or sub-category is added to that category, Aptify automatically flows down the pricing object information to the new record. See Specifying Category Level Pricing for details.



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