Using the Aptify Product Knowledge Wikis

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Using the Aptify Product Knowledge Wikis

The purpose of this topic is to provide an overview of how to use the Aptify Product Knowledge wikis. This topic is comprised of the following sub-topics:

About the Product Knowledge Landing Page

The Aptify Product Knowledge landing page is the first page you see when you choose to view the Product Documentation from the Aptify Community site. You must be logged into the Aptify Community site before you can access the Product Knowledge wikis. The landing page presents the following:

  • Link to topic that contain information about the use of the Aptify Product Knowledge site and a record of updates to this space.
  • Navigation bars with links to topics for version 6.0 and subsequent point releases.
  • Navigation bar with links to documentation for previous releases, versions 5.5, 5.0 and 4.5.
  • Link to the Aptify Training site, and a link to the schedule for upcoming training classes.
  • A list of pages that contain information of importance to our Aptify community.
  • Display of the most popular page labels within this space. The font size for the label is largest for the most popular label, and decreases in size for less popular labels.
  • A list of pages in this wiki that were recently updated.
  • A search field on the top right that allows you to search for content in this space.
  • A link back to the Aptify Community site.

About the Previous Release Wiki Landing Pages

When you navigate to one of the previous release wikis, you are taken to a landing page that links to content specific to that release. These landing pages present the following:

  • A table with links to each of the major topics within the wiki.
  • A search field that allows you to search for content across all of the wikis.
  • A list of pages in this wiki that were recently updated.
  • A list of pages in this wiki that contain information of importance to our Aptify community.
  • A table with links to topics of interest to specific roles within an organization. 

The previous release spaces also have a search field on the top-right that searches within that space that appears on all pages, and contain a page that contains methods for contacting Aptify.

Navigating the Wikis

You can navigate to the wikis using the links on the Product Knowledge landing page, and by using the Spaces pull-down menu in the bar at the top of the page in any of the wikis. Clicking the Aptify logo in the bar at the top of the page returns you to the Product Knowledge landing page.

You can navigate within a wiki using the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the page. The navigation bar contains links to individual pages within each wiki. If there are child pages grouped under a page, a "greater than" symbol (>) appears next to the page name. Clicking this symbol displays the list of child pages grouped under the page, without displaying the content. Clicking on the symbol again closes the list of child pages.

The width of the navigation bar can be manually controlled by hovering your mouse pointer over the line that separates the bar from the content. When the dual arrow icon appears, click and hold to adjust the width of the navigation bar. The navigation bar can be disabled (or re-enabled) by clicking the icon to the left of the search field in the bar at the top of the page.

You can also navigate within a wiki using the links above the page title. These links are typically referred to as breadcrumbs. These breadcrumbs provide links to each level of the wiki tree above your current page, all the way back to the landing page for the wiki.

Searching the Wikis

There are two types of search fields available in the Product Knowledge wikis:

  • Space-wide search field: This appears in the menu bar at the top of every page. Entering a search term here searches across the local wiki space.
  • Site-wide search field: This appears in the landing pages for each previous release wiki space. Entering a search term here searches across all of the wikis in the Product Knowledge site.

These searches span both the content of documents stored as .PDF files and the content of the wiki.

Space-Wide Searching

As you enter your search term in the space-wide search field, links to wiki pages and, .PDF files with content that include your search term are displayed below the field. If those links do not include what you are looking for, you can click the link at the bottom of the search results box to go to the Search page, where you will find additional search results listed.

When you first click in the space-wide search field, a list of most recently opened pages from all spaces is displayed.

Site-Wide Searching

As you enter your search term in the site-wide search field, links to wiki pages with titles that include your search term are displayed below the field. If those links do not include what you are looking for, you can click the link at the bottom of the search results box to go to the Search page, where you will find additional search results listed.

Using the Search Page

The results on the Search page include content in the wiki and in the .PDF files. On the Search page, you can also refine your search by limiting the results to pages last modified within a set date range. The default date range is Any date. You can limit the search to pages last modified from the last 24 hours, last week, last month, or last year. You can also change the space(s) in which you are searching.

Determining When a Page or PDF Manual Was Last Updated

The date when a wiki page was last updated is displayed below the title of the page, as shown below.

The date when a PDF manual was last updated is determined by hovering your mouse pointer over the PDF icon for the manual, as shown below:

Printing Pages From A Wiki

You can print individual pages by exporting the page to PDF and then printing from the new PDF file. To do this for the desired page, select Tools > Export to PDF. The new PDF page will be downloaded to your local computer for you to view or print.

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