About the Product Cost Types Form
This service stores the available cost types that are referenced in Cost Planning and Product Cost Details records. See About the Costs Form for more information.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Product Cost Types record.
Comments Tab
The Comments tab list any comments relevant to the Product Cost Types record.
General Tab
Name (Required)
The cost type's name.
A description of the cost type.
The name of the parent product cost type, if any. This field links to another record in the Product Cost Types service.
Organization ID
Name of the organization in which the cost type is associated. The field links to the Organizations service and is required for organizations planning to use the approval process for cost detail. See Creating Product Cost Types for more information.
Expense GL Account
This field specifies the expense general ledger (GL) account associated with this cost type. The drop-down menu displays the list of records from the GL Accounts service.
Liability GL Account
This field specifies the liability GL account associated with this cost type. The drop-down menu displays the list of records from the GL Accounts service.
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