Installing the Desktop Version of the Aptify Add-in for Microsoft Outlook

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Installing the Desktop Version of the Aptify Add-in for Microsoft Outlook


This is the Desktop Version of the Outlook Add-in

If your users are accessing Aptify through the web interface and are using a web-based version of Outlook, for example Outlook.com (formerly known as Hotmail) or Outlook 365 or a desktop-based version of Outlook (with Microsoft Exchange 2013 or higher), you will want to review Installing the Web Version of the Aptify Add-in for Microsoft Outlook. If your users are accessing Aptify through the desktop interface, you will want to review this topic.

For information about using this version of the add-in, see Using the Desktop Version of the Aptify Outlook Add-In for more details.

Aptify includes an add-in plugin for Microsoft Outlook (versions 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016) that lets users create Aptify Persons and Contact Logs records directly within Outlook without having to access an open Aptify session. You can also configure the add-plugin to automatically create contact logs when a particular account receives or sends an email, which is useful for automated mailboxes.

Outlook Add-in Installer

The add-in has a separate installation program. You can find the latest version of this installer (which includes the version that supports Outlook 2016), in your organization's Aptify FTP folder (typically under the Version_50 folder). The installer is called OutlookAptifyAddinSetup.zip.


To install the Aptify add-in, refer to the topics below:

Installing the Aptify Outlook Add-in

  1. Locate the AptifyOutlookAddIn installer. 
    • You can find the installer in your organization's Aptify FTP folder (typically under the Version_60 folder). The installer name is OutlookAptifyAddinSetup.zip.
    • You can also find a copy of the installer in the Aptify Database distribution folder under the Utilities sub-folder.
  2. Select the appropriate installed for your version of Outlook. Options are:
    • Outlook2016AptifyIntegrationSetup: for 64-bit versions of Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013
    • Outlook2013AptifyIntegrationSetup: for 32-bit versions of Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013
    • Outlook2007_2010AptifyIntegrationSetup: for Outlook 2010 and 2007
  3. Double-click the appropriate AptifyOutlookAddIn to launch the installer.
  4. Once the Publisher has been verified, click Install to install the add-in.

  5. Click Close and confirm successful installation of the AptifyOutlookAddIn.

Once the feature is installed, an Aptify drop-down menu will be available via the Add-Ins tab on the Outlook Ribbon bar (and through Outlook's right-click context menu for Outlook 2010 and 2007).  With a properly configured OutlookAddinConfiguration file, when opening Outlook, the add-in is logged into Aptify automatically as shown below (unless Outlook is configured to disable certain or all add-ins).  See Copying and Configuring the OutlookAddinConfiguration Config File for configuring the Aptify Outlook Add-In for use. 

Aptify Add-in Option in Outlook 

Config File Must Be Configured and In Appropriate Location

The add-in will not work as expected until the OutlookAddinConfiguration file is configured and copied to the local Aptify installation (and in some cases, it needs to be copied to the C: drive as well). See Copying and Configuring the OutlookAddinConfiguration Config File for configuring the Aptify Outlook Add-In for use. 

Copying and Configuring the Outlook Add-in Config File

Once the add-in has been installed, you need to copy the OutlookAddinConfiguration XML file to the baseline path of your local Aptify installation and then configure it appropriately.

Follow the steps below to copy and configure the OutlookAddinConfiguration file:

  1. Locate the AptifyOutlookAddIn config file.
    • You can find a copy of the file in the appropriate sub-folder (based on your Outlook version) in the OutlookAptifyAddinSetup distribution file, 
    • You can also find a copy of the file in the Aptify Database setup distribution folder under the Utilities > OutlookAptifyIntegrationSetUp sub-folder.
  2. Copy the file to the baseline path of the Aptify client on the local machine.

    Concerning Multiple Instances of Aptify

    The Aptify Outlook Add-In assumes that the configuration file is placed in the baseline path of the Aptify client on the local machine, which is, by default, the instance that was last installed. If you have installed more than one instance of the Aptify client on the current machine, you should verify which instance is specified as the default path and modify as needed. You may also find you need to copy the config file to another location (like the root of the C: drive). See Verifying the Local Aptify Installation for more information.
  3. Right-click and select edit to modify the attributes as needed, as shown below. Below is a description of each attribute:

    • AptifyServer: Specifies the server in which the user is connecting to the Aptify database.
    • AptifyUserDatabase: Specifies the database that stores record data. By default, this value is set to Aptify.
    • AptifyEntitiesDatabase: Specifies the database that contains the entity definitions. By default, this value is set to Aptify.
    • AptifyLoginTrusted: Specifies whether or not Windows Integrated Security (or a trusted connection) is used. By default, this option is set to True and the connection between outlook that the Aptify database is established via a trusted connection.

      Trusted User Account Recommendations

      Aptify recommends uses a trusted account to establish a connection between Outlook and the Aptify database.

    • User: Can be used to specify a username when AptifyLoginTrusted is set to False.
    • Password: Can be used to specify a password when AptifyLoginTrusted is set to False.
    • FolderPath: When ContactLogSync is set to True, the full path to the Outlook mail folder in which contact logs will automatically be created.

      Must Specify Full Path to Mail Folder

       The full path to the mail folder is the name of the folder preceded by the E-Mail Delivery Location found under Outlook's Accounting Settings > E-mail tab. For example, Mailbox - User Name\Inbox\NameofFolder OR testuser@domain.com\Inbox\NameofFolder.