About the Learning Management Systems Form for Aptify LMS
This service stores information about the available Learning Management System (LMS) integrations with Aptify Education Management.
By default, this service has one record (named Basic) that is designed as a placeholder (in other words, this record does not provide any LMS functionality). The Aptify LMS Setup program installs a second, functional record, named Aptify On-line Learning Management System.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the record.
General Tab
The name of the Learning Management System with which Aptify integrates.
A description of the LMS and Aptify's integration with it.
Object Name
The object in the Object Repository that provides the integration layer between Aptify and the LMS.
Assembly Name
The assembly name for the object that provides the integration layer between Aptify and the LMS.
Class Name
The class within the object that provides the integration layer between Aptify and the LMS.
When this option selected, this LMS integration is Active within Aptify. When this option is cleared, this LMS integration is disabled.
Learning Management System Attributes Tab
This tab stores any attributes required for the LMS integration, such as the URL e-Business should use to launch SCORM or Tin Can content. Attributes are stored as Name/Value pairs.
For Aptify LMS 5.5.1, the following five attributes exist:
- LaunchURL: This identifies the relative path of the ScormEngine's Launch page. This is set by the LMS installation programs.
- UploadURL: This identifies the page that the Course Import wizard calls to import content into Aptify LMS. This attribute identifies the absolute URL for the AptifyUpload.aspx page, which is within the ScormEngine application. The installation programs set this value based on the Web Server URL value provided.
- ImportWebService: This identifies the absolute URL for the AptifyImport web service that is used when importing content into Aptify LMS. The installation programs set this value based on the Web Server URL value provided.
- SCORMEngineDatabase: This identifies the name of the Aptify LMS database. By default, this value is set to AptifyLMS.
- LaunchType: This identifies how content is launched in the LMS content player. When set to 1, a single window opens to display the content. When set to 2, two windows appears – a staging window and then a second window that displays the content. By default, the LaunchType is set to 1 to use the single window approach.
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