Adding Advertising Option Products to a Rate Card

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Adding Advertising Option Products to a Rate Card

After an advertising option product is associated with the Advertising module, via an Advertising Options record, the Advertising Options records are associated with an Advertising Rate Cards record. This is performed by adding an Advertising Options record to the Advertising Rate Card Rate Options tab of an advertising rate card's Rates record.

  1. Open an Advertising Rate Cards record that is associated with a specific advertising product.
  2. On the Rates tab, open the desired Rates record. Remember that the combination of color, position and size codes selected on the advertising insertion order will determine which Rate record is used to calculate the price of the advertisement. Likewise, the same combination also determines which advertising options are available.
  3. Click the Advertising Rate Card Rate Options tab and open a new record.
  4. In the Advertising Option field, enter the name of the Advertising Options record. This option will be available in the Advertising Insertion Order record, when the combination of color, position and size codes selected, match the Rate record where this advertising option is listed.

    Sample Advertising Rate Card Rate Options Record

  5. Click OK to save and close the new Advertising Rate Card Rate Options record.
  6. Click OK to save and close the Rates record.
  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add the option to each Rates record that requires the -advertising option.
  8. Save and close the Advertising Rate Cards record.

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