Working with Form Tabs

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Working with Form Tabs

Aptify forms typically contain tabs that logically organize information and allow more data to be displayed on each form. Aptify is a highly configurable system, so the tabs are seen within Aptify manuals and the data displayed on those tabs may differ from what is displayed in your system.

There are two types of tabs that display records from other Services: Sub-Types and Related Service Records. Both of these tab types display one-to-many relationships. For example, a Person's Orders tab can list multiple Orders, since one person can make many orders.

While both types show information that has a one-to-many relationship to the current record, there is one major difference between these two types of listings:

  • Information for a sub-type can only be accessed from the current Service.
  • Related Service records belong to a separate Service and can be accessed from that Service as well.

In addition to Sub-Types and related service listings, a third common tab type is a Picture Viewer that can display one or more pictures associated with a particular record.

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