Use a Wizard to Create Organization-Specific Copies of an Existing Form Template

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Use a Wizard to Create Organization-Specific Copies of an Existing Form Template

Aptify provides a Form Template Copy wizard that creates a copy of an entire form template hierarchy for a top level form, including copies of form template parts. Aptify recommends that when working with form templates, you use this wizard to first create a copy of the system’s baseline form template and then modify that copy as desired. This prevents the system from inadvertently overwriting any of your changes if Aptify modifies the standard form templates at a later date.

Note that cloning a form template is not the same as using this wizard. The cloning operation only clones a particular Form Templates record and remains linked to existing Form Templates and Form Template Parts. Changing these form template parts will then lead to undesirable side effects to the other forms that use the same parts.

For instructions on using the wizard. see Using the Form Template Copy Wizard.

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