Adding a Dashboard Part

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Adding a Dashboard Part

Perform the following steps to add a dashboard part:

  1. Click the Options... link from the upper-right hand corner of a personal dashboard.
  2. Select Edit "<Dashboard Name>" from the context menu.
  3. Select the Layout tab on the Dashboard Options form.
    • You may want to maximize the window to cover the entire screen so that you can see all of your dashboard's areas.
  4. Click the Options link located in the top-right corner of the area where you want to add the new part, and select Add Part... to open a new Dashboard Part form.
    Add New Part 
  5. Enter a name for the part in the Name field.
  6. Enter a Culture String to localize the Dashboard Part's display name (if desired).
  7. Select Minimized if you want the part to be minimized by default when the dashboard is opened. Otherwise, leave this set to Normal.
  8. By default, the Area field displays the area from which you opened the Dashboard Part form. Typically, you will leave this value at its default setting. If you want to add this part to a different area, select one from the drop-down list.
  9. Enter a description of the part in the Description field.
  10. Select a Component from the drop-down list.
    • The component defines what displays in this dashboard part. Components include Aptify views, Microsoft Outlook components, web browsers, and button bars.
    • See Configuring Dashboard Part Components for information on the available components. 
      Dashboard Part Form
  11. Configure the part's Title Bar properties.
    • If you want to display a title bar, which includes the part's name, leave the Show Title Bar option selected.
      • If you clear this check box, ignore the other title bar options described below.
    • To display a minimize button on the title bar, leave the Show Minimize Button option selected.
    • To display a close/delete button on the title bar (so you can delete a part as described in Deleting a Dashboard Part Using the Remove Part Button, leave the Show Close Button option selected.
    • By default, the title bar's background color is gray. You can select a different Title Bar Back Color, if desired, by clicking the ellipsis (...) to open a color selection dialog. See Selecting Dashboard Colors.
    • By default, the title bar's text is black. You can select a different Title Bar Text Color, if desired, by clicking the ellipsis (...) to open a color selection dialog. See Selecting Dashboard Colors.

      The Resize Mode and Proportion fields are reserved for future use. 


  12. Click the Properties tab and configure the component's properties, if necessary.
    • The configurable properties vary depending on the type of component selected.

  13. Click OK twice to save. The new part will appear on the dashboard in the area to which it was added.

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