Creating Event Definitions

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Creating Event Definitions

The Event Definitions service stores the events that an organization can use to trigger a process flow. Aptify provides a set of events with the standard system; see About the Delivered Event Definitions for information on the set of delivered Event Definitions.

A sample Event Definitions record is shown in the figure below.

Event Definition Record

In addition, an organization can create new Event Definitions by following these steps:

  1. Open a new record from the Event Definitions service.
  2. Enter a Name for the event.
  3. Enter an event category in the Category field. This field links to the Event Categories service (see Creating Event Categories).
  4. Enter a Description for the event (required).
  5. Specify a scope for the event from the Event Scope drop-down list.
    • Select Global if the event is generic and is applicable system-wide. For example, the AfterSave event is generic since it is applicable to every record in the system.
    • Select Entity if the event is related to a specific entity. For example, the Order Shipped event definition is set to Entity since it is specific to the Orders entity.
    • Select Application is the event is relater to a specific application.
  6. If this event is based on another event, enter that event in the Base Event field. This field links to another record in the Event Definitions service.
  7. If you specified a Base Event, select a Firing Sequence from the drop-down list.
    • Post-Process: This is the default setting. It specifies that this event fires after its associated Base Event.
    • Pre-Process: This option specifies that this event fires before its associated Base Event.
  8. If you set Event Scope to Entity, enter the entity to which this event applies in the Entity field.
  9. If you set Event Scope to Application, enter the application to which this event applies in the Application field.
  10. If you specified a Base Event, click the Script tab and enter a script that defines the logic which will trigger this event.
    • The script should be in VB.NET script format; the system uses Aptify's Scripting functionality to execute your script. See Administering Scripts for more information.

      Event Definition Script
  11. Save and close the record.

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