Supported CMS Versions for e-Business

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Supported CMS Versions for e-Business

Starting with Aptify e-Business 5.0, the website functionality delivers all Aptify functionality in the form of granular and reusable ASP.NET User Controls. These controls can be hosted in a standalone ASP.NET site or any Content Management System (CMS) environment that supports the use of ASP.NET User Controls.

Aptify provides out-of-the-box integration with Sitefinity and Ektron CMS400.NET to allow web users to sign on to both systems at once (single sign-on) and to link Aptify Topic Codes to a corresponding taxonomy system in the CMS. See the Integrating with a Content Management System chapter in the Aptify e-Business 5.5 Developer Guide for more information on the standard CMS integration features. Aptify's integration supports the following versions of these products, broken down by release:


Note that for Sitefinity installations, e-Business 5.0 supported Sitefinity 3.5 and e-Business SP1 and SP2 supported Sitefinity 3.7. Customers upgrading an existing e-Business who wish to upgrade from Sitefinity 3.5 or 3.7 to the version supported by your release (or later) must follow the instructions on the Sitefinity website to migrate their site to the new version before upgrading e-Business However, if you have an existing Sitefinity 3.5 or 3.7 site that you do not want to move the version supported by your release (or later) you can follow the upgrade instructions in this document to install e-Business and you do not need to migrate to the latest version of Sitefinity at this time.

Note that although Aptify provides the starter sample site for Sitefinity and standard integration with Sitefinity and Ektron CMS400.NET, you can use e-Business with any other CMS product that supports the ASP.NET User control architecture. See Installing e-Business in an Existing CMS Environment for more information.

Notes Concerning Sitefinity Installations

Keep in mind the following point when integrating a Sitefinity site with e‐Business 5.5.1:

  • Sitefinity 4 and later embeds an Application Name in many of its tables and assumes a specific path for links on some of the page (for example, it assumes that images are in a particular folder). Therefore, when installing the Sitefinity 6.0 SP1‐based ICE starter site, customers should name their e‐Business sample site e-Business and install it to local‐ host/ebusiness for best results and to ensure that the sample site loads properly.

Keep in mind the following points when integrating a Sitefinity 4.4 site with e-Business 5.5.

  • Sitefinity 4 embeds an Application Name in many of its tables and assumes a specific path for links on some of the page (for example, it assumes that images are in a particular folder). Therefore, when installing the Sitefinity 4.4 ICE starter site, customers should name their e-Business sample site eBusiness and install it to localhost/ebusiness for best results and to ensure that the sample site loads properly.
  • Sitefinity 4 does not use extensions in URLs. For example, a page called Home would be located at http://www.yoursite.com/ebusiness/home rather than at -http://www.yoursite.com/ebusiness/home.aspx. To accommodate this change, the e-Business installation program removes ASPX extensions from the sample Web Menus records in the Aptify database when installing the e-Business sample site for Sitefinity 4.4.



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