Step 5 - Testing the Setup and Troubleshooting Tips
Launch a browser and navigate to the e-Business site, for instance, http://localhost/ebusiness. Verify that web menus are visible on the page. Then create a new web user account, or log in as an existing user, and confirm that the site functions as expected.
If the site does not load with a 503 error, confirm that the mirrored account was created on the Web server. If not, you can create the local user manually on the Web server (similar to the steps in Step 2 - Creating a Trusted Windows User Account). Be sure to use the same password for the mirrored account that you specified for the local account on the database server.
If the site loads but you cannot log in or create a new user, you may not have entered the correct password for the e-Business user during installation. Try resetting the password in the following locations:
- On the database server, reset the password for the local e-Business user account from the Windows Computer Management dialog.
- On the Web server, reset the password for the local e-Business user account from the Windows Computer Management dialog. Use the same password that you entered for the e-Business user on the database server.
- On the web server, reset the password for the local e-Business user account in the e-Business application pool, within IIS. Use the same password that you specified in the other two locations. Follow these steps:
- On the web server, launch the Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager.
- Browse to the Application Pools, and open the advanced settings for the AptifyEBusiness pool.
- In the Advanced Settings dialog, select the Identity field and click the ellipsis button that appears.
- In the Application Pool Identify dialog, select the Set... button.
- Re-enter the user name and password for the local machine's e-Business user (such as, web_server\ebizuser).
- Save your changes and restart IIS.
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